Cabin Fever

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"Timothy, I've been on bed rest for seven weeks! I can't stand it any longer," Jude whines into the phone, setting her book down.

"Jude," He sighs, "I don't know what you want me to do."

"I just want to complain to you. Lana is bringing Johnny over for lunch."

"I'm sorry you're so miserable, babe. Just think that in 12 short weeks, our baby will be in our arms."

"I know. Thank you, Timothy. I'll see you later, yeah?"

"Of course, rare bird. I have to get going, but I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Timothy smiles and hangs up the phone. He has been having a particularly rough day with the children, and hearing from Jude was just what he needed to get him through the remainder of the day.

"Jude," Lana calls, unlocking the front door with her son on her hip. Julia and Thomas stay behind Lana quietly. Their presence is to be a surprise for Jude.

"Jude," Johnny, now almost two, calls, mimicking his mother.

"Hello my love!" She yells back, getting herself situated. Lana pokes her head into the room, and Johnny smiles. Julia and Thomas tun in, making Jude gasp.

"All my little loves are here!" Lana helps all three babies up onto the bed before she hugs Jude.

"How's my niece?"

"She's very active today, aren't you, peanut?" Jude laughs, pulling Thomas into her lap and kissing the top of his head. Julia and Johnny gather around and touch her belly, babbling to each other.

"Still think it's a girl?" Timothy asks, leaning against the door frame.

"What? Why are you home?" Jude asks, tearing up a little. He chuckles and greets Lana and the children before sitting beside her.

"I was having a rough day and decided that being home with you is better than being in a bad mood all day." Jude smiles and cups his cheek, pulling his face in to kiss him.

"Yucky," Julia says, making the adults laugh.

"That's right, Jules, boys are yucky," Jude smiles, playing with her ringlet curls.

"I brought lunch home for everyone," Timothy says, pulling a large bag out from behind his back. Inside, is deli sandwiches from the grocery store. Enough for everyone.

"Bless you," Jude cries, sitting up straight to make room for Timothy. He sits beside her, Lana facing her and the kids between all of them. Everyone eats quite ravenously. Then, Jude is nauseous. Timothy helps her to the bathroom quickly and holds her hair back.

"Should I still be getting sick this far into the pregnancy?" Jude asks Lana, climbing back into bed.

"There were some things that I smelled, or even thought of, and I would throw up. Even the week leading up to his delivery." Jude groans and holds her stomach.

"You look big, Jude."

"Thanks," She glares, hitting Lana's arm. She chuckles and eyes Jude's stomach.

"She's moving so much!" Jude laughs. Lana eyes Jude's bump.

"Jude, you're going to be disappointed when that kid is a boy."

"Timothy, mister macho man!" Jude mocks. He laughs and leans forward to kiss her forehead. Jude pouts and throws a balled up napkin at him. His watch beeps, signaling the change of the hour. Jude frowns.

"I have to go. I'll be home in just a few hours. Will you be okay until then?"

"I suppose."

"Jude, we need to head out too. The kids are getting tired," Lana says, standing. Jude nods and kisses all the kids goodbye before hugging Lana. Timothy waits a few more minutes before he heads out as well.

Jude sighs and lays back, picking up her book and resting it on her bump.

"Just you and me now, peanut."

(10 weeks later)

"Jude!" Timothy calls, running up the stairs. Jude puts her book down and struggles to sit up. Timothy dives on the bed and smiles up at Jude.

"What, you buffoon," She asks, setting her book down on the night stand. He hands her a stack of paperwork.

"I'm head of the school trip!"

"Oh, congratulations. I'm so happy for you, my love," Jude smiles, kissing the top of his head. The baby kicks her and she inhaled sharply.

"You are?"

"Of course," Jude laughs at his ridiculous question.

"The only thing is that it's a few hours away, and I'll be gone a week." Jude shrugs, taking his hand.

"It's not like I'll be able to get myself into any trouble," She jokes, placing her hand on top of her stomach. Timothy smiles and sits up, pushing a strand of hair that fell from Jude's ponytail behind her ear.

Jude looks at the paper and sees that the departure date is tomorrow. She sets the paper on her nightstand and turns to face him fully. Timothy rests his head on her belly and strokes the side softly. Jude runs her fingers through his hair and yawns.

"Do you need any help packing?"

"I don't think so. I can do it in the morning, though," Timothy sighs, kissing her bump where the baby just kicked him. Jude directs his hand to the lower part of her stomach, where the baby's head is. He smiles, looking up at her.

"You should pack now so you don't have to be up extra early. I'll help you. I need to walk around a little bit."

Timothy groans and falls onto the bed when Jude stands up. She giggles and hits his leg.

"Timothy, come on."

He rolls his eyes and stands up, stomping dramatically over to the closet and pulling the suitcase down with an attitude.

"Unnecessary," Jude mutters under her breath, heading into the closet to help Timothy lick out some clothes.

"I head that," He laughs, shoving her lightly. She gasps and pushes him into the wall. He wraps his arms around her waist and leans in to kiss her.

"I love you."

"I love you, too," She smiles, brushing an eyelash off his cheek.

Timothy packs everything he needs and he and Jude simply enjoy each other's company for the remainder of the night.

In the morning, Timothy is stressed.

"Okay, here's the number for the hotel we are staying at. Call me if anything happens. I'll ring as soon as I get settled into my room to check up on you. Okay?" He asks her, pacing. Jude pulls on her robe and stands. She places her hands on Timothy's shoulders and smiles at him softly.

"I'll be fine. We'll be fine. Right, peanut," Jude asks her bump, placing her hand over Timothy's. He nods and grabs his coat off the edge of Jude's vanity.

"I love you so much, my rare bird."

"I love you too, Timothy. Be safe, okay? Peanut needs her daddy."

"His," Timothy corrects, leaning in to peck Jude on the lips once more before turning and grabbing his suitcase.

"Bitch!" She calls after him.

"I love you too, honey," He yells before slamming the front door. Jude laughs and pulls the curtain back from the window, watching him as he waves at her one last time before getting in his car.

"Okay, now that daddy's gone, we can party," Jude says, settling back into bed with a book. She doesn't know why Timothy was so worried, and she hopes his third sense doesn't prove her wrong again.

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