Chapter One

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A/N: This is my first fic so bear with me. Full disclosure I own nothing from glee. In this story girls can get other girls pregnant naturally.

It was our junior year of high school when I finally realized I was going to spend the rest of my life with her. We've known each other since the 1st grade. We were best friends instantly when we met. We had our first kiss in 8th grade at a party playing spin the bottle. It was a magical kiss. I loved it and so did she but I was fighting with myself because my parents and abuelo always said two girls being in a relationship was wrong and disgusting. I was scared. After our kiss I ran upstairs and to the backyard of the girls house we were at. That night I also experienced my first panic attack. It was the scariest thing I'd ever experienced. Britt of course followed me to the backyard. When she found me I was on the ground rocking unable to breathe. When she saw me she was so scared. She wrapped me up in her arms and told me it was going to be okay. She told me to breathe. After calming me down from my panic attack she held me for a couple more minutes and then she kissed the top of my head and said "Let's go back inside someone's gonna come out soon." We then went inside hand in hand until we got to the basement stairs. She stayed by my side for the whole rest of the night. We fell asleep in each others arms none of the other girls really thought anything of it because they all knew we were best friends they just thought that's what best friends do.
    The next morning when we woke up I was still a little shaken up, she just always made sure I felt safe. Her mom was supposed to take me home from the sleepover but Britt didn't want to leave my side knowing I still wasn't completely okay, so she told her mom to bring me home with them. My parents wouldn't even notice if I didn't come home because they were always too busy on business trips so they wouldn't be home for the next few days anyways. They were never really home I was always alone when I wasn't with Britt. She always tried to make sure I wasn't alone because my parents were always away or working but, that was almost impossible unless I were to live with her. Anyways...
    So her mom drove us both to her house. I stayed the night over there. We spent the whole day cuddling and watching movies in her room. I wanted to cry but I had to stay strong. I knew Britt would tell me it was okay to cry and just let it out but she had already dealt with me last night and I didn't want to put more of my shit on her. I knew she would get upset if she knew I was upset and didn't talk to her about it but I just didn't want to be a burden and make her sit through my crying and hyperventilating. So I just held it in. Eventually I couldn't hold it in anymore and when I thought she was asleep I went into the bathroom to let it out but after about two minutes she came rushing in and held me once again. She never questioned why I was upset she just knew I was upset and she didn't like me upset. I'm not even sure she really cared why I was upset she just knew I was upset and she didn't want me to be alone. The whole time she was holding me I just kept blubbering about how my parents hate me and they won't ever forgive me. She just told me they love me and everything would be okay. My crying was usually caused by my parents. They weren't the best parents, yes they bought me what ever I wanted but that's not what I needed I needed someone to care about me and ask me how I was feeling. Actually be there for me. Not buy me whatever I wanted. Their gifts were sympathy gifts for not being there for anything. Britt was always there for me. She always made sure I was okay. After calming me down she took me back to her bedroom and on the bed to go back to sleep. I was going to sleep on the floor but she made me get in bed with her to cuddle. She had me lay on her chest. I felt so loved in that moment. I felt safe. As I was laying on her chest she wrapped her arms around me protectively and rubbed her hand up and down my back until I fell asleep. She's always been the best at calming me down and making me feel the most loved.

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