Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: I've been hitting a bit of a writers block lately so I apologize for the long wait. I'll try to get more chapters in sooner.

At the dinner table
Everyone was sitting down for dinner Mama P had made my favorite for dinner. Barbeque chicken and mashed potatoes.
"So Santana, how are you feeling?" She asked me
"Okay, considering I just got out of the hospital. My ribs hurt a little bit though." I told her
"I told you I'd ice them!" Brittany said looking up from cutting Bella's chicken.
"I know you did, and I'm very grateful for your offer." I told her looking at her adoringly before she went back to cutting up Bella's chicken.
"I heard you saw your dad at the hospital?" Mr.Pierce said.
"Yea, I did he apologized to me and then asked me to move in with him and his new girlfriend." I said. After I said it I regretted it. Everyone went quiet. I was so thankful for Britt in that moment. She rubbed my thigh soothingly under the table.
Hannah was the first to speak. "What did you say?"
"I said yes."
"May I be excused?" Hannah asked. She looked broken.
"Of course sweetie." Mama P said. After she got the go ahead she ran off upstairs to her room. My heart broke seeing her look so broken.
"Sam could you go upstairs and bring Bella with you please." Mama P asked sternly. When Sam was out of the room with Bella Mama P looked at me and Britt.
"So you're moving in with your father?" Mama P asked. I nodded my head slowly.
"What made you decide to move in with him?" Christopher Pierce asked
"Well I miss my brothers a lot and Papi has a new girlfriend that I like. He also apologized and said he regretted ever agreeing with my mother. He also told me I would have my own floor to myself like a little apartment. I want my family in my life even if I don't necessarily forgive them yet." I said
"You moving out would affect Bella a lot though." Mama P said concerned
"That's something we wanted to talk to you about." I said looking down.
"Bella and I are going to move with her." Brittany said before I could say anything more.
"Wow okay. I know you two would have moved out eventually but I wasn't expecting it so soon." Mama P said.
"I know but it's not like we won't visit. We still want Bella to be close to you guys." Britt said
"If this is what you really want and you will be happy then we support your decision." Christopher said standing up to give us a hug.
"Thank you Daddy." Brittany said hugging her father.
"Thank you. I'm going to go up and talk to Hannah now." I said standing up.
"I'll go with you." Brittany said starting to follow me.
"No, I need to do this myself. Thank you though." I said pulling her in for a hug. She kissed my forehead before I left. I walked up the stairs slowly and stopped at Hannah's door. I knocked on her door softly there was no answer so I walked in. Hannah was laying on her bed wrapped up in her blankets.
"Hey Han." I said sitting down next to her on the bed.
"I don't wanna talk." She said quietly.
"I think we need to." I told her while rubbing her back.
"Fine." Hannah said burrowing further into the blankets.
"I know you're upset that I'm moving out and you have every right to be. It's okay to be upset Han." I told her still rubbing her back.
"You're right I am upset. If you move then so does Britt. If Britt goes with you then so does Bella. I'm losing my sisters and niece all in one day! It hurts Tana! Yea I have Sam but he's a guy he doesn't understand things. I like having you live here Tana. You help me with things that Brittany can't. You are another sister to me Tana and I don't want to lose you." Hannah said starting to cry.
"Hannah. You are not going to lose me. We will still visit and you can stay over whenever you want. We have a whole floor to ourselves in my Papi's house. We can make a designated bedroom just for you." I said pulling her out from under the covers to hug her. "Besides, I can't not have my fix of teasing you." I said which made her giggle.
"You promise Tana?" She asked
"I promise kiddo. We will not drift apart." I told her. Before pulling her in for another hug before getting up to walk out. When I turned towards the door Brittany was in the doorway with tears in her eyes. When I got to her I took her hand and pulled her to our bedroom.
"How much of that did you hear?" I asked.
"All of it." She said pulling me in for a long hug. "You just made me fall in love with you even more."
"I love you too." I told her before walking out to go get Bella from Sam. I looked all around the house I couldn't find Sam and Bella. I had one more place to look and that was the backyard. I walked out the back door and sure enough that's where they were.
"I found you guys finally." I told Sam plopping down on a chair next to him.
"Here we are. So you're moving in with your dad?" Sam asked never taking his eyes off Bella.
"Yea, only until I graduate high school though." I told him.
"How does Brittany feel about it?" Sam asked still not looking at me.
"She is supportive of it." I said watching Bella.
"How do you think this is going to affect Bella?" Sam said.
"Bella is moving with me." I said looking down.
"Oh. So not only are you moving but you're taking Britt and Bella with you? That's great." Sam said sarcastically.
"Why are you getting all mad? Sam, we would have moved eventually." I said.
"Yes, but it's your junior year and your father kicked you out if you don't remember. Not only are you putting yourself at risk this time you're putting my sister and my niece at risk too. You're selfish Santana." Sam said to me before getting up and walking out. I sat there silent. I couldn't believe he just said that to me. I finally snapped out of it when I felt Bella tugging on my hand.
"Mommy, I tired." Bella said rubbing her eyes and yawning.
"Alright. Come on bean we'll go to bed." I said picking her up and walking in the house. I walked up stairs and got Bella all dressed in her pajamas and put her into bed. She fell asleep pretty much right away. I was pretty tired myself and I just wanted to lay down so I went to my bedroom. When I got in the room it was empty so I got my pajamas on and plopped into bed. I got all snuggled up under the blankets and started to think. I was starting to think a lot about what Sam had said to me and how everyone reacted. I didn't realize it but I had started crying. Brittany walked into the room just as I had finished up.
"Hey. Why are you in here by yourself?" She asked laying down next to me.
"I'm just tired." I said trying really hard to sound like I wasn't just crying.
"Baby, are you crying?" She asked.
"N-n-no." I stuttered trying hold in my sob that wanted to come out.
"Santana Marie do not lie to me." Brittany said sternly. I broke down after she said that I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Babe, what's wrong? Did something happen?" She asked.
"I-I don't w-wanna talk about it." I stuttered.
"Santana don't shut me out please." Brittany pleaded trying to comfort me. "Santana please don't shut me out."
"S-Sam." I said beginning to cry again.
"What did he do baby?"
"He got mad. H-He said I was s-s-selfish." I said trying to hold in my sobs.
"Why would he say that?" Brittany asked still trying to calm me down.
"Because I want to live with Papi." I said before crying more.
"Oh, honey. Don't listen to him." She said laying me down with her. She held me while I cried. When I finally stopped crying she held me and ran her fingers soothingly through my hair until I fell asleep.

Britt POV
I was so angry that Sam had made Santana cry. I knew he would still be up because it was only 9 o'clock. My parents would still be up too. I held San until she stopped crying and fell asleep. What he said to her really upset her. It was a rude thing to say anyways. When she was asleep I covered her up with a blanket and turned on the fan because I know she likes when it's freezing in the room and wrapped up in a blanket. Then I went to find Sam. The first place I looked was his room. He was not in there so I checked the living room where I found him and my parents watching a movie. I wasn't sure how I was going to do this considering my parents were in the room. I decided to just go for it. I stood right in front of him blocking him from seeing the television.
"Britt, move. I can't see the t.v." he said trying to look around me. I had noticed that my parents had now paused the movie. My father must have noticed I was angry because he spoke up.
"Britt Bee, what's going on? Why are you angry?"
"This is between Sam and I, Dad." I said getting increasingly angry.
"Brittany don't do anything irrational." my mother told me sternly but I wasn't really listening.
"How could you say that to her?!" I screamed
"What are you talking about?" Sam asked confused.
"How could you tell Santana she's selfish for wanting to live with her family. She was broken when they kicked her out. You don't know because you didn't wake up to her crying at 2am and you didn't have to watch her break every time she saw her brother at school. Her father apologized and is welcoming her and I with open arms. You don't know but I was actually the one to encourage her to take this opportunity. She was nervous on how it would affect everyone in the family. She was thinking about not going." I said getting even more angry.
"I don't care how she feels. I don't want my sister and niece being around the Lopezes. I don't want the two of you to be mistreated or get kicked out." He said
"Don't you think Santana has thought about that? She talked to Carmen all about it and she assured her that it would not happen as long as she's living in the house. It wasn't even Antonio that kicked Santana out it was Mrs.Lopez." I told him trying to calm myself down. He sat there not knowing what to say.
"Sam how could you do that?" My mother asked softly.
"I was angry and concerned for my family." He said looking down
"Santana is part of our family Sam. I want to marry her one day. She's also Bella's Mommy. She is part of our family. I'd appreciate if you would treat her like it." I said. He was going to say something back until I heard a little voice.
"Momma, why you mad at Uncle Sam?"
"I'm not mad sweetie. We're just having a disagreement." I said picking up my daughter.
"Momma my belly hurt." She whimpered.
"Let's go take some medicine then." I said carrying her to the bathroom. "Why don't you try going potty."
"I don't have to potty." Bella whimpered.
"Please try. It might make you feel better." I said setting Bella on the toilet. She didn't end up going.
"Momma, my belly hurt." Bella whined.
"Alright. How about we take a warm bath?" I asked
"It help?" She asked.
"It might." I said stripping her of her clothes then taking mine off as well to get in the bath I had started. When the tub was filled enough I got in then picked up Bella so she could hopefully feel a little better but I'm not sure it'll work. We stayed in the tub until it started getting cold Bella was starting to fall asleep anyways. After putting her clothes back on and wrapping myself in a towel I decided to take her back to her bedroom. Hoping she would sleep the night and this stomach issue away. When Bella was all situated in bed and I was sure she was asleep I went back into my bedroom where Santana was still sleeping soundly. I put on my pajamas and climbed into bed behind Santana wrapping my arms around her.
"Mmm. What took you so long?" Santana asked sleepily.
"Bells still isn't feeling well. I took a warm bath with her. I thought you were sleeping honey." I said kissing my girlfriends neck.
"I couldn't sleep without you in here. I woke up when you left."
"Awe. Babe you should have come and got me." I cooed
"No, I figured you had to do something. And considering I heard some yelling I'm assuming it's taken care of?" She asked turning around in my arms and kissing my nose.
"Yes. I'm sorry you had to hear me yell. How much did you hear?"
"I couldn't make out the words because it was all muffled but I heard you yelling." She said caressing my cheek.
"I was yelling at Sam. He shouldn't have said what he did to you." I said getting angry again.
"Britt, go back to your happy place. Don't get angry." She said soothingly rubbing my arm before she continued. "He shouldn't have said what he did but it happened, he can't take it back and it's over with. You said some things to him I'm sure and he said some things to you. It's over with. No need to get all upset again."
"I know but it makes me angry. I guess you're right though." I said kissing her cheek.
"Night Britt." Santana yawned out before nuzzling into my embrace.
"Goodnight San." I said closing my eyes and falling to sleep.

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