Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: I've been super busy lately sorry for the long wait. I'm not sure when I'll be updating again. I might be ending this fanfic soon and starting a sequel please let me know if you'd like to read a sequel. I hope you enjoy :)

When we walked into Britts grandparents' house I saw them give me a disgusted look. I knew Britt just brushed it off because she didn't want to start any drama especially since it is Easter. I felt really out of place when I let Bella down to go see her great grandparents. I felt even more out of place when Britts grandmother called all the girls over to hug her except me. I wanted to go hide until mama P came up next to me and put her hand on my shoulder.
"It'll get better Santana I promise." She whispered rubbing my shoulder to comfort me.
"I don't know it will. This whole thing just makes me feel so out of place and they don't even know yet."
"It'll all work out I promise. Even if they do decide they aren't going to accept you and Britt. Brittany loves you more than anything. She wants to spend the rest of her life with you Santana. Don't worry so much." Mama P told me still rubbing my shoulder.
"I just don't want Britt to have to go through what I did with my grandparents especially since there's Bella to think about too." I whispered. Mama P was going to say something to me but Britt came over and tugged on my hand. She pulled me toward the dining room.
"Do you want to take the dogs out with me?" she asked
"Not really Britt." I told her.
"I think you should take the dogs out with me." she said winking.
"Alright fine." I huffed and went to get the dogs. We had to stand out there with them but they went to the bathroom on the side of the house and no one can see you on that side of the house. Brittany apparently remembered that because when we got out of the house she pulled me into a hug saying "I know you were uncomfortable in there. I'm sorry she did that."
"It's alright Britt. She just doesn't like me. She probably saw the commercial or she just doesn't like me because I live with you." I said still hugging my girlfriend. We stayed like that for a while until we heard Bella scream cry "Mommy!" after I heard her scream I didn't even care about Brittany's grandparents I just wanted to get to my daughter. I ran in the house and to Bella who was still screaming my name.
"Bella what's wrong?" I asked picking her up.
"I....f-f" she said not being able to get out a sentence.
"Bella, calm down sweetie." I told her. Rubbing her back to try to calm her down.
"I-I couldn't f-f-find you. I thought you l-l-left." Bella sobbed out thinking about me being gone again.
"Sweetie, I would never leave you or momma. I'd be sad without you guys." I told her looking up at Brittany who had tears in her eyes.
"Wait, back track here. Why is Brittany not down there taking care of her daughter? Why are you down there?" Brittany's grandmother asked and we all tensed. I looked over at Britt and we locked eyes. We had a silent conversation with our eyes before I nodded and we broke eye contact.
"Grandma, Grandpa, I have something to tell you. Will you please sit down?" Brittany asked.
"Sure Britty." Her grandfather said walking over to the couch with her grandmother and sitting down. After they were seated and comfortable I stood up with Bella in my arms and stood next to my girlfriend.
"I am gay. Santana is my girlfriend. We got pregnant shortly after becoming serious about one another. She was there with me every step of the way when I got pregnant with Bella. She was in the room when Bella was born. Santana was actually the only person in the room when Bella was born because she's my main support system. So when Bella was born and we picked her name and she's Bella's other mommy." Brittany said putting her arm around my waist and looking down at her feet trying not to make eye contact with her grandparents.
"Britty, we already knew you were gay. We don't necessarily like Santana but if she's the one you love then we will deal with it. We did not know that Santana is Bella's other mother. You guys are not very subtle. You both constantly give each other longing looks." Her grandfather said chuckling with his wife.
"Why don't you guys like Santana?" Brittany asked still looking at her feet.
"Because we feel that she uses you all. She lives at your house for gosh sake. She has very much alive relatives she could live with." Brittany's grandmother replied. It hurt me a lot but I didn't let it show.
"Everyone in Santana's family abandoned her when she came out. Her mother made sure of that. When she got kicked out I took her to our house without a debate. She-" Brittany said before I cut her off.
"I've had quite the time these last few years. I was outed to my friends before I wanted to be, I actually was just put in the hospital a couple weeks ago because I'm with Brittany. I don't have any aunts or uncles both of my parents are only children. My grandparents on my mother's side passed away and my grandparents on my father's side don't accept me. I can tell you that I don't take advantage of anyone in the Pierce house. I love all of them. I've actually tried to pay rent or even for food expenses but they don't let me. Mr and Mrs Pierce treat me like one of their own children which I'm so grateful for. If you two don't like me that's okay I'll deal but, I love Brittany and Bella with everything I have." I told them
"We believe you. My wife just needs to get used to you. Come here Santana." Brittany's grandfather said opening his arms to hug me. Before I pulled away from the hug he whispered "You're good for them Santana. We'll talk before you leave later." I nodded to that before walking over to where Brittany and Bella were.
"Honey, why don't do go play with aunt Hannah." Brittany told our daughter
"I want to stay with Mommy." Bella whined
"Bella, please go play with aunt Hannah." Brittany said more sternly to Bella.
"No I want Mommy" Bella said
"Bella, listen to Momma. I'm not leaving." I told her
"Promise?" Bella asked quietly
"I promise. Momma and I aren't going anywhere." I reassured her before picking her up and giving her a kiss on the forehead.
"Okay." Bella said after I put her down then ran to play with Hannah.

A/N: Do you guys like reading in their POV or would you rather I start writing in third person POV?

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