Chapter Eight

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I wasn't sure what to think when my father asked me to move in with him. I just kinda zoned out after he said he wanted me to move in with him. I came back to it when I heard Brittany say my name. After we talked a woman with long brown hair walked in.
"Hi Santana I've heard so much about you between your father and brother. You too Brittany." The woman said. I was just frozen. This was all so much to take in. First my father tells me he's okay and has left my mother then he says he has a new house and girlfriend and wants me to move in with them.
"Hi. I'm Brittany as you may have noticed." Brittany said extending her hand out for the woman to shake.
"Nice to meet you Brittany. I'm Carmen." Carmen said shaking my girlfriends hand. I was still frozen until I felt Brittany squeeze my thigh.
She then whispered into my ear "Baby It's alright. I'm right here."
I nodded and quietly said "Nice to meet you Carmen."
"Nice to meet you too Santana. So your dad has told me that he asked you if you would move in with us." Carmen said. I nodded then she went on "I know Tony definitely misses you. He keeps complaining that he misses his twin and that we needed to ask you soon. We're working on getting full custody of Joey."
I smiled at that "I miss him too. I haven't talked to him since I got kicked out because my mother cut everyone off from me. I couldn't even see him in school because she told him I did something awful and said if he talked to me that he would get kicked out too. Does Joey talk about me?" I said starting to cry.
"All the time. He always asks where Tana is." Carmen said which made me cry even more

Britt POV
I knew when she started talking about her brother she would start crying again. But when she asked about her little brother I knew there was no coming back. I knew she missed her three year old brother like crazy. When she started sobbing I just tried to whisper sweet nothings in her ear while holding her close to me.
"Baby. It'll be okay. You'll see them again. I promise if it's the last thing I do." I said wiping her tears away with the pad of my thumb.
"You know. Antonio and I have been talking and since Santana already has a whole floor to herself and being it's the top floor and if she wants to and since seeing you together has really melted my heart knowing you two love each other so much I was thinking, Brittany why don't you move into our house with Santana. You two live together already anyways." Carmen said
"Can we have some time to think about it? I just don't want to make a quick decision and regret it later." I said cautiously
"Of course you guys can have all the time you need. The offer is always open." Carmen said before walking out the door.
"Baby what do you think?" I asked Santana
"I don't know. I want to be with my brothers again but I don't really trust my dad and I don't want to hurt your mom. She took me in she's like the mother I never had." Santana said
"Honey, my mom won't care if we or just you move in with your dad she just wants her children to be happy. If moving in with your dad will make you happy then she'll be happy too. She knows you're not happy even though you try to hide it." I said to my girlfriend.
"Britt. If I move in with them will you move with me? I like living with you. I want to be with you." Santana said quietly
"Santana I will be wherever you are. I love you. Now give me a kiss." I said with Santana lifting her head up so she could kiss me.
"Then I think we should move in with my dad. I really miss my brothers. Only if you're okay with it though." Santana said
"I'm okay with it. It's not like we won't visit my family." I told my girlfriend. After our talk Santana fell asleep. Crying really drains her. I decided to get up and go get food for when Santana woke up. I knew she'd be hungry. I also thought I'd call her brother.

Hey Tony.
Hey Britt. I haven't heard from you in a while why are you calling?
I was just calling to see if you'd come down to your dad's hospital to see Santana. She really misses you.
Why is Santana in the hospital?!
No one told you? After school yesterday when she was walking home some kids beat her up. She had to have surgery because of the internal bleeding she also has some pretty nasty gashes that needed to be stitched up.
Why didn't anyone tell me? I should have known I didn't see you or her in school today. I should have known something happened.
Tony don't beat yourself up over this. It's not your fault you didn't know your father should have told you. He was the one who did surgery on her after all.
I haven't seen him or talked to him since yesterday morning. But I'm sure Carmen knew. Ugh I'm so annoyed.
Actually Carmen was just here but Samorn found her. She should have told you but then again she didn't tell me either.
What! You would have been the second person I called after the paramedics and my father. Gosh she's such a bitch. You know she took my moms side with everything that's going on with Santana? You know I support you guys. I was the first person Santana told about you two. You know my sister actually loved you before you guys kissed that first time?
I actually knew about Samorn and I know you support us but I didn't know Santana loved me before the kiss. I mean I loved her but I never told anyone.
Yeah she loved you a lot actually she wanted to tell everyone about you guys when you first started going out but the way our grandparents and mother always talked about lesbians she was scared and then when mami reacted the way she did Santana was terrified to tell anyone else

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