Chapter Ten

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After talking to Tony we all just laid there in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. Santana rubbing Bella's back still and me running my thumb on the back of Santana's hand. I'm not sure how long it was until Mr. Lopez came in.
"Hey guys." Mr. Lopez said.
"Hi papi." Santana said nervously.
"It'll be fine." I whispered in her ear.
"Who do you have there on your chest?" Antonio asked
"Um... that's actually why we wanted to talk to you." Santana said.
"Okay." Her father said confused
"We have decided to accept your offer. I know you said we have a whole floor to ourselves in your house. How many rooms are on that floor?" I said.
"There's a master bedroom and four other bedrooms. The master bedroom has a bathroom connected to it. There's a kitchen, dining room and living room up there too. It's like your own little apartment. Oh and there's two other bathrooms in addition to the master bathroom." Antonio said with a huge smile on his face.
"Alright so. What we really needed to talk to you about is who's sleeping on my chest." Santana said.
"Alright. Who is that?" Mr. Lopez asked.
"This is Bella. Our daughter. Before you get really mad and hurt let me explain. About two years ago after Britt and I got serious we ended up getting pregnant. We decided to keep the baby. I'm in this for life. So when Brittany had Bella I put my name on the birth certificate and the rest is history. We didn't tell you or mami because we weren't sure how you two would react and you didn't know until a year ago that me and Britt were dating. We thought you'd think it was kind of weird that her kid was calling me Mommy but the truth is she's both of ours. I'm sorry papi." Santana said apologetically.
"So Bella is your daughter and you want her to move in with you and Britt is what you're telling me?" Mr. Lopez asked
"Yes." Santana said.
"That's fine. It'll give Joey someone to play with when we get him. And I'd like to get to know her if she's my granddaughter." Antonio said.
"Thank you papi." Santana said.
"I would like to ask one thing though." Mr. Lopez said.
"Shoot." I said
"What's her last name?" He asked.
"Lopez-Pierce." Santana said with a huge smile on her face. Mr. Lopez also had a huge smile on his face. Bella started to stir and he was going to leave but I stopped him.
"Stay. I want you to meet her."
"Okay. My shift is over anyways." He said.
"She might take a few minutes to wake up, sit" I said gesturing to the chair sitting next to the bed. He had the biggest smile on his face sitting down. Santana was rubbing Bella's back whispering in her ear. "Come on Bells time to wake up."
"Mommy, I no want to." Bella whimpered. Santana had winced again when Bella moved. I decided I was going to take her.
"Santana, you're in pain I'm taking her." I told my girlfriend picking up my daughter before she could protest. Bella started to whine when I took her off of Santana which I knew meant she was going to start crying soon. Before I could jump into action she started crying.
"M-m-m-momma, I-I-I sleep." Bella cried into my shoulder.
"If you sleep now you won't sleep tonight. You gotta wake up honey." I softly said soothingly rubbing her back and rocking her. "I'm sorry." I mouthed to Mr.Lopez. He just waved me off saying it was fine. Bella continued to cry because she was woken up. I continued to rub her back until the crying subsided.
"Bella, someone is here to meet you." I said showing her Mr.Lopez
"Hi." Bella said hiding her face in my neck.
"Bella, this is my daddy. He's your abuelo we always tell you about." Santana said to Bella gesturing for her father to go say hello.
"She's kind of shy, sorry." I told Mr.Lopez as he was walking towards Bella and I. I kept rubbing Bella's back as he approached.
"Hi Bella. I'm Antonio or Abuelo. You can call me whatever you want to." Mr Lopez told Bella softly. Bella turned her head so she was looking at him and not hiding into my neck. She then looked at me to make sure he was okay. I nodded and she looked back at him.
"You Abuelo?" Bella asked
"Yes I am." He said
"Why I no see you before?" Bella asked
"I made your mommy sad." Mr.Lopez said
"Oh. That not nice." Bella said
"Nope. What's your favorite color Bella?" Mr.L asked trying to steer the conversation a different way.
"Green!" Bella told him excitedly reaching for him to hold her which he did happily.
"Wow! That's my favorite color too! What's your favorite thing in the world?"
"To go outside! But Mommy says I got to be careful!" Bella said. I smirked at Santana. I may have had Bella but she idolizes Santana. I love that Bella is close to Santana as much as she is me it gives me hope for our future kids. I plan on asking her to marry me after we graduate high school and she gets all famous because I know she will. She has a great voice and I'm not just saying that because she's my girlfriend she really does have a nice voice. I was so lost in my thoughts I hadn't realized that my mother had walked in.
"Britt. Hello." My mother said waving her hand in front of my face until I snapped out of my thoughts.
"Oh hey mom!" I said
"Where were you there?" she asked me
"Just thinking about my family." I told her
"Oh alright, well I'm here to take Bella home and I brought you a change of clothes for tomorrow when you go to school. Oh and Sam got your car out of the shop and brought Bella in your car so he's going to leave it here and I'll take them both home." she told me
"Alright, thank you mom."
"No need to thank me Britt, but maybe you should think of taking a shower before school?" My mother told me
"Um yea probably."  I said
"Alright Bella are you ready to go home?" My mother asked my daughter
"No I stay with Momma and Mommy! I no want!" Bella screamed starting to cry and trying to wiggle out of Mr.Lopez's grasp. I stepped in and grabbed her from him. I held her rubbing her back soothingly and laying down with her next to Santana so she'd feel a little better.
"Bells, Mommy has to stay here to get better. But you can see me again tomorrow I promise." Santana said to our crying daughter.
"I-I-I stay!" Bella cried out reaching for Santana now. Santana held her and rubbed her back trying to calm her down.
"Bella, I promise I'll be there tomorrow when you wake up and I'll bring you to see mommy before I go to school. Hows that sound?" I asked
"Promise?" Bella asked
"I promise Bella. Do I ever break a promise?"
"No." Bella said softly.
"Alright, now give Mommy and I hugs and kisses goodbye" I told her and she gave Santana a big hug and kiss before moving to me and doing the same but lingering a little longer. Before I got up with her still hugging me and handed her over to my mother and giving her a kiss on the forehead. It was late I knew she was tired and that's why she was being so fussy. Once she was situated in my mother's arms she fell asleep.
"Bye Britt. Bye Santana" My mother whispered trying not to wake up Bella. We waved goodbye and Mr.Lopez was still there.
"Will she be okay moving to a new place? I wouldn't want to do anything that would make her upset." Mr.Lopez said
"She should be fine. It'll take her a little time to adjust but she'll be okay. We would have moved out of the Pierce house eventually anyways." Santana told her father. 
"Are you sure she'll be okay?" Mr.Lopez asked.
"Yes, she'll be fine. She may even do better with us living at your house because she'll get a taste of what it will feel like to live with just the two of us." I said with my girlfriend agreeing.
"Alright well, I'm going to head out now. Bye girls." With that Santana's father left. I plopped down on the bed and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.
"Babe are you sure-" I was stopped by Mr.Lopez popping his head back in the door.
"Uh... sorry for interrupting but I forgot Santana, Carmen is coming to talk to you about you moving in again tomorrow. Bye girls." with that he left again.
"What were you saying Britt?" Santana asked me
"I was going to ask if you were sure that you were going to be okay without me tomorrow."
"I'll be fine. I'll have Bella anyways I'll probably play blocks with her or something then have her take a nap. I should be asking you if you'll be okay tomorrow without me in school?" she said
"I'll be fine, I'm only staying until the assembly anyways then I'm coming back here." I told her
"Britt please don't do anything bad, I know how you get when someone makes you angry." she told me with a concerned look on her face.
"I won't do anything stupid, I promise. I'm gonna go take a shower now, I'll be right back." I told her leaning down to give her a kiss then walking out of the room to take a shower in the community showers. When I came back Santana was asleep so I slipped into the bed behind her putting my arm around her. I was concerned about her, her being beaten to almost death was making me nervous. I would find whoever did this to her. I eventually fell asleep lost in my thoughts. I woke up to Santana rubbing my arm.
"Britt come on time to get up. You have to go get Bella and go to school." She whispered into my ear.
"Ugh, what time is it." I grunted 
"4am. It takes an hour to get to the house then an hour back here to drop Bella off then an hour back so you can go to school today. By the time you get back it'll be 7 o'clock and school starts at 7:30."
"Ugh alright I'm up. I'll go get Bella. She'll probably still be sleeping when I bring her so I'll stop and get you two breakfast on the way back." I told her
"Have I told you you're the best girlfriend and baby Momma in the world lately?" Santana said smirking and pulling me in for a kiss.
"Saaaaaann, don't start something we can't finish I gotta go get our daughter." I said against her lips
"Fine, get outta here." she said as I was getting up.
"I'll be back in two hours." I said leaning down to give her a goodbye kiss. "Get some more sleep." I said against her lips, then standing up and turning to leave.
"Fine, go get our daughter." she said and slapped my ass before I got too far from her.
"Someone's feeling better today." I said before leaving and heading to the car.

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