Chapter Fourteen

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After my returning we didn't really have much of an eventful rest of the night. I let Bella stay because I knew she wouldn't want to go home without Santana or I again and she had pajamas and her favorite blanket with her anyways. We had found that the T.V in Santana's hospital room had netflix on it so after we ate dinner and got ready to go to sleep I turned on monsters inc which is Bella's favorite movie. I figured since she was staying the night might as well turn something she likes on. We were all cuddling on the surprisingly big bed and Bella had fallen asleep until the cop that was currently stationed at the door knocked and popped his head in.
"There is someone at the door named Antonio asking to speak to you two. Should I let him in?" He said
"Yes let him in please." Santana said. After telling the cop to let her father in Mr.Lopez walked in.
"Hey girls" He said
"Shh" we both said in unison gesturing to sleeping Bella.
"Sorry" he whispered
"Did you need something papi?" Santana asked in a soft voice careful not to wake Bella up.
"I was just coming in to tell you that you can go home tomorrow, but you need to take it easy. You have a broken rib and lots of deep cuts with stitches." He said seriously
"Alright, I'm just happy to get out of this hospital I want to be home with my family." She said smiling down at Bella and I. Mr.Lopez nodded then walked out. I remembered something when Antonio was in the room that I was supposed to ask Santana so when he was out of the room I asked about it.
"Hey Sanny." I whispered
"Hmmm" she hummed
"Did you ever talk to Carmen again today about moving into your dads house?" I asked her
"Oh, yeah I did. I was supposed to talk to you about it when you came back but Bella was so excited to see you that I forgot." She told me
"Well, you can tell me now?" I asked
"She said we were free to move in whenever we want so I told her the end of next month. If that's okay with you? If not we can change it." She said regretting her decision
"Baby, that's perfect." I said craning my neck to kiss her on the lips. "Oh yeah and I forgot to tell you something too."
"What did you forget to tell me babe?" She asked me
"I forgot to tell you that I talked to Q today and she's having a hard time with Rachel." I told her
"What did Berry do now" Santana scoffed
"Well, she's still dating Finn and it's really hurting Quinn. She asked me to talk to her." I said softly
"Britt, you know it's hard to talk to her but if you want to go for it I'm not going to stop you. I'm confident you can get through to her though." Santana told me reaching over to rub my arm.
"I just don't want you to get upset because I know you don't like her very much." I said trying not to make eye contact with my girlfriend
"Babe, I'm not going to be upset. We're not always going to like the people either of us talk to." Santana said
"Okay. Goodnight Santana." I said wrapping her arm around me. Well as best it could since Bella was in between us. I had a peaceful sleep with my two girls with me. The next morning I was woken up by being poked in the face.
"Momma, I need to potty." Bella said still poking my face to wake me up.
"Good morning Bella" I said cheerfully and kissing her forehead
"Mommaaaaa I need to potty." Bella whined
"Well then let's go potty." I said getting up then picking my daughter up to take her to the bathroom being as quiet as possible so we didn't wake Santana up. When we got back Santana was awake.
"Good morning bean." Santana said to Bella with her sleep voice.
"Good mornin mommy." Bella said trying to get on the bed with Santana I had to help her. Bella hugged Santana then all eyes were on me because I hadn't said anything.
"Good morning beautiful." I said to Santana leaning down to kiss her.
"Morning Britt" She said with a huge smile. I then turned some cartoons on for Bella and Santana to watch while I gathered all of Bella and Santana's things. I had just finished gathering everything up when Antonio came in.
"Hey guys!" Antonio said cheerfully
"Abuelo!" Bella screamed jumping off the bed and into his arms.
"Hey papi" Santana said
"Hey Mr.Lopez! What you doing here this time of day?" I said cheerfully
"Well, I'm here to tell Santana that she's free to go whenever she wants. I signed the release papers this morning." Mr.Lopez told us. "I gotta go finish my rounds now bye guys."
"Wait! Abuelo!" Bella said running to give her grandfather a hug goodbye before he turned and left the room. When he was gone I turned to Santana. "What do you think San? You want to go home?"
"Most definitely!" She said excitedly
"Alright! I'm going to go run all this stuff down to the car then I'll be back up to walk you two to the car." I said turning to leave before being stopped.
"Britt, I'm scared." Santana said quietly
"Awe, baby what are you scared of?" I asked sitting down next to her.
"I'm scared to get up I haven't tried yet and I'm scared to go home and I'm scared to go to school again." She said starting to tear up.
"Santana, I'm going to be here with you every step of the way protecting you. I'm going to help you get up when it's time to leave and you're going to be safe at home and I'm going to be there to protect you when you go back to school. Don't be scared baby. You have me to protect you." I told her rubbing her back to calm her down. She just cried into me and I held her while she cried. Bella had noticed she was crying and tried to make her feel better.
"Don't cry Mommy." Bella said hugging Santana. When her crying subsided I got up
"I'll be right back I'm going to put this stuff in the car and bring it around. Will you be okay?" I asked my girlfriend. She nodded and I ran down stairs with all of our belongings and pulled the car around. I put my flashers on before getting out and running back upstairs.
"You ready to go? I brought the car around." I asked her
"Yes." she said as I helped her out of bed she was in a little bit of pain but good thing it's a policy that the patient is taken to the car in a wheelchair. As I rolled her to the car Bella was on her lap. When we got to the car I put Bella in her car seat and buckled her in with her blanket hopefully she'd sleep most of the way home. I then helped Santana in the car. When she was all situated I ran around to my side of the car and we were on our way. Santana didn't know it yet but I planned on take her to breadstix before we went home. It was a quiet ride home just music lowly playing in the background. When I had looked in the mirror I saw that Bella had fallen asleep. It was her nap time anyways. I had put my free hand on Santana's thigh. She hadn't moved.
"You're very quiet. What's up?" I asked her softly.
"Nothing. I'm just tired." She said still looking out the window. I had decided to pull over to got her a blanket out of my trunk. I always kept one in there just in case my car broke down in a snowstorm.
"Britt why'd you pull over?" Santana asked just as I got out of the car and went to the trunk to retrieve the blanket. I got back in the car once I had gotten the blanket and reached over the center console to place it on her. She kept looking at me pretty confused.
"You said you were tired so I thought I'd make you more comfortable. Try to get some sleep." I said leaning over to place a soft kiss on her cheek then placing my hand face up on the center console.
" I Love you Britt. I don't know what I did to deserve you." She told me intertwining our fingers. I then started the car and set off to breadstix which she still didn't know we were going to. When we arrived at Breadstix Santana had been sleeping so I had to wake her up.
"Baby, we're here." I whispered while rubbing her arm to wake her up.
"Hmm, Britt." She said opening her eyes and trying to adjust to the light.
"Good morning!" I said enthusiastically
"Britt-Britt we're not home you liiiieeeddd." She whined
"I didn't say we were home said we were here." I said chuckling
"Where are we then?" Santana whined
"We're at Breadstix. I decided to take my two favorite girls to a late lunch." I told her while grinning.
"Awe Britt. You're the best." She said leaning over to kiss me. We then both got out of the car and I went to the back to get Bella she was still sleeping. She had woken up when I picked her up.
"Momma, I no want." she whined
"Don't you want to eat?" I asked her
"Noooo I sleepy" Bella whined while resting her head on my shoulder and falling back to sleep.
"Well I guess Bella is going to sleep through lunch." I told Santana and she giggled
"We can just order her some mac and cheese and she should wake up for that." Santana said. Before we walked into the restaurant. When we got into the restaurant they seated us right away. We were seated across from each other in a booth and Bella was still sleeping on my lap. When the waiter came over we ordered and then started talking while I rocked Bella.
"Thank you for this Britt I really needed it." She told me.
"I know you did. Everything will work out fine." I told her as the waiter came back with the food.
"I know I'm just nervous." She told me starting to eat.
" I know you are but everything will go fine. I do have something to ask you though." I told her
"What is it?" She asked
"What do you want to do about glee club? Do you want to return or quit?" I asked her
"I think I want to return even though I never get a solo or even an opinion. I think I'm just going to shut my mouth from now on." She told me.
"San don't do that. I love when you make comments." I told her sternly
"Making comments just gets me into trouble Britt." She said eating a fry.
"So that's what this is about? You're afraid? Babe I'm always going to be here to protect you, you won't ever be hurt again. I promise" I told her
"Fine. But I think I'm going to find a new job. There's an opening for the afterschool program." She told me.
"I think that's a good idea you love kids." I said cheerfully
"Yeah I do. I want to make money but I don't think I could go back to that place." she said.
"I think you should apply for the other job then." I said still rocking Bella
"I'm going to take it then." my girlfriend said smiling at me.
"Tha-" I was cut off by Finn.
"Hey guys! Who's this?" Finn said gesturing to my sleeping daughter
"They're babysitting her!" Rachel said before I could say anything which I was very thankful for. I didn't need Finn Hudson telling everyone about my daughter.
"That's cool! She kind of looks like you though Britt." He said
"Yeah she's my cousin this look just kind of runs in the family." I told him
"Finn not that I don't love having you and Berry here but could you please leave before you wake her up? I don't wanna deal with a crying kid, I just got out of the hospital." Santana asked surprisingly nicely.
"Oh alright then bye guys." Finn said tugging Rachel along with him before she stopped him.
"I have to ask Brittany something really quick you go ahead without me." Rachel said to Finn then walking away before he could kiss her.
"Hey, I'm really sorry about him." she told us apologetically
"It's alright I'm just glad you said something before I thought of anything." I told Rachel
"Yeah, is she alright?" Rachel asked gesturing to Bella
"I think she's getting a cold. She's been super tired lately." I told her
"Awe, I hope she feels better." Rachel said
"Speaking of feelings, I was going to wait to talk to you but you're here anyways might as well. Rachel you're hurting Q." I told her
"How?!" she said frantically
"Well you being with Finn hurts her alot. She told me that you promised you'd break it off with him two months ago. Rachel do you love Q?" I said
"Yes I do." Rachel said softly.
"Well if you stay with Finn and keep making Quinn hide you're going to lose her. I understand you're scared but you need to at least lose the monkey." I told her
"I know, I don't want to lose Q she's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I will break it off with him when he drops me off at home. Thanks Britt. Oh, Santana heal up okay? We miss you in glee club." Rachel said.
"Thanks Berry but I'm not sure I'm coming back. Britt is still pretty mad at Finn and we're just background singers, we don't get an opinion or our suggestions taken seriously." Santana said looking down at her plate.
"I know, Quinn told me that's how you guys feel and I'm going to bring it up with Mr.Schue." Rachel said.
"Thanks Rach." I said before Santana could say anything else that she'd regret.
"Bye guys." Rachel said turning to leave. Just as she left Bella woke up.
"M-m-momma? I no feel good." Bella said clinging tightly to me.
"What's wrong sweetie?" I asked her while running my fingers through her hair.
"My belly." She whimpered.
"Well maybe you're hungry? We ordered you some Mac and cheese." I told her.
"Mac and cheese?!" She said perking up.
"Yep! Mommy has it on her side of the table." I informed her.
"It's still warm if you want it bean." Santana told our daughter pushing the plate towards us. Bella still had her arms wrapped tightly around my neck so I grabbed my fork and put some noodles on it for her to eat.
"Here Bells." I said holding the fork out for her to eat. She turned her head and took some. She then turned around in my lap and faced the table to eat more on her own. When she was finished we got the check and headed out to go home. I put Bella in her car seat and made sure she was all buckled in, before getting in the car myself to go home. When we got home I helped Santana to the living room so she could watch a movie with Bella and I before dinner. Bella was feeling quite a bit better since she ate and decided to go play with my father instead. I decided not to bring our belongings in from the car until later tonight. I just wanted to go in and relax. Before going into the living room I made sure Bella was all situated with my dad. I then went in the living room and slid behind San on the couch.
"How you feeling?" I asked Santana as she laid back on me.
"Okay I guess. My ribs hurt though." She said.
"Awe I'm sorry you want me to ice them?" I asked her.
"No, thank you though. That was close earlier with Finn." Santana said to me starting to rub my thighs soothingly.
"I know I got so nervous when he came up. I don't like hiding Bella but it's for her safety. I also don't want Finn to be apart of her life or the rest of the glee club until after we graduate. Quinn and Rachel know and that's good enough for me. I mean unless you want more people to know?" I said to my very quiet girlfriend.
"Can I tell Puck?" Santana asked me.
"Of course, he's your best friend. I thought you would have told him two years ago." I said to her.
"Do you think I could have him over this weekend to meet her then?" She asked me.
"Santana, you don't have to ask me for permission to have people meet Bella. She's your daughter too." I told Santana
"But I haven't been here for everything." Santana said. I knew her insecurities were coming out now.
"Maybe you weren't there every night to wake up and feed her but you were there when you could be. We didn't live together when she was born. She calls you mommy for a reason San." I told her sternly.
"I know but I feel guilty about it." She said still rubbing my thigh.
"Santana, where is this coming from?"
" I just feel like it's all my fault I got attacked. It's my fault you could have lost your girlfriend and it's my fault that Bella could have lost me. I just feel like everything's my fault." She said starting to cry.
"Santana, everything is not your fault. You being attacked was not your fault. The people who attacked you are just stupid." I told her pulling her closer to me while she cried. When she calmed down I started the movie I figured we had enough talking for the day. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to my girlfriend stroking my face.
"Britt, it's time to wake up."
"Mmm" I hummed opening my eyes
"Hi beautiful. Dinner is ready." She said smiling down at me.
"Can I sleep through dinner?" I asked
"No, your parents want to see you." She said leaning down to kiss me.
"Fine I'm getting up." I huffed and sat up.
"Yay!" She said straddling my hips and kissing me. One small kiss turned into a full blown make out. We must have been taking too long because my mom came in to get us.
"Santana! I asked you to go wake her up not eat her face! Geez!" My mother said
"Sorry Mrs.Pierce" Santana said getting off me.
"Santana how many times to I have to tell you to just call me Whitney." My mom said sternly to Santana
"Sorry Whitney. Can I just call you Mama P?" Santana asked
"I'd like that." My mother told her.
"Alright then Mama P." Santana said with a huge smile on her face.
"Dinner." My mother said sternly and raising her eyebrows before walking away.
"Come on lips attacker." I said grabbing her hand and dragging her to the dining room for dinner.

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