Chapter Three

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A/N: I know this is not scientifically accurate but I really don't care. In this story two girls can have a baby naturally with out a certain appendage.

After that day Britt and I were inseparable, we did everything together. When Sue separated us for a glee competition between her and Mr. Schue because according to sue there were many 'minority' students. I clung to her with everything I had. Sue and everyone else was screaming at us to let go of eachother but all she did was hold onto me tighter and whisper in my ear that it was going to be okay and that she'd see me when we got out. I then reluctantly let go. The only one who didn't get mad at us was Quinn. She's the only one in the whole school other than Britt and Figgins who knows I got kicked out and that I'm very reluctant to leave Britt because everytime I do I get hurt. So I went with Sue and Britt stayed with Mr. Schue. I was not happy by any means to leave Britt but I went anyways with Mercedes by my side. Even though she didn't know anything about my situation she could still see the hurt on my face. The rehearsal went okay. I didn't get hurt and as she said Britt was waiting for me when I came out. As soon as she saw me she wrapped me up in her arms and said " See I told you it was going to be okay now let's go home." So we went home and cuddled until dinner. After that freshman year wasn't all that eventful. Other than the fact that Britt got pregnant. Brittany and I always knew it was a possibility that one of us could get pregnant but we were both on birth control. Brittany was always forgetting to take hers, so when she missed her period and the test came out positive it wasn't really a shocker. Granted we were both scared because we were only 16 but it all turned out okay.

Junior year was going really good. I had Britt the most beautiful and supportive girlfriend ever but then Finn fucking Hudson had to ruin it. I was still not out to our friends or family. Coming out to my parents was a terrifying and horrible experience for me. So I decided I wasn't doing it again until Finn decided to take it upon himself to make that happen. After insulting Finn for making fun of Brittany he decided it would be a great idea to scream out to me in the hallway
"Hey Santana! Why don't you just come out of the closet already? Oh wait I know. Because you're in love with Brittany and you're afraid she might not love you back." he then walked away.
After he said that I just kept thinking "You idiot you don't know anything about me. Britt does love me!"
The next day while I was walking out to the bus with Britt I got called into Sue's office. Britt promised me she'd wait for me by my locker and we'd walk home together. So I went to Sue's office. When I got in there Kurt's dad, Mr. Schue and Sue were in there. Sue told me to take a seat then showed me the latest campaign commercial. The commercial proceeded to out me to the entire world. I just ran out of the room crying. I ran right to Britt.

Britt POV
I saw her running towards me it looked like she was crying.
"Baby what's wrong?" I said while wrapping my arms around my crying girlfriend.
She just kept crying saying things I couldn't understand. I just kept running my hands up and down her back until she calmed down a little for me to understand.
"San what happened in Sue's office?"
Still sniffling she said " H-H-He outed me to the wh-h-hole world"
"Baby what do you mean he outed you to the whole world?"
"F-F-Finn. The other day in the hallway he asked me why I wasn't out of the closet. I guess someone heard and now there's a commercial." She said while starting to sob again.
"Oh honey. It's going to be okay." I said while holding her tighter

After she told me it was going to be okay I snapped. I was terrified.
"NO IT'S NOT! Do you remember what happened last time?" I said as my chest started to tighten up and I was unable to breathe. Britt felt me going into a panic attack and jumped into get Santana to breathe mode
"Baby. Breathe. In... And out. In... And out." She said while rubbing my back.
Eventually I was able to breathe again and we went home. The next day in Glee club I smacked Finn across the face and said how could you do this to me! Before running out.

Britt POV
"Brittany what the hell is going on here?! Why did Santana just slap Finn across the face and what is she talking about?" Mercedes said
"Q can you go find Santana please?" I said calmly even though I wasn't feeling calm.
"Yeah, I'll go find her." Quinn said
"Just tell her I'm dealing with this and I'll be there soon." I said as Quinn walked out.
I was not calm anymore. I was going to get Finn for this it didn't matter who he was. He upset my girlfriend he was not going to get away with it.
"YOU!" I said pointing at him.
"What did I do?!" He said looking terrified.
"What didn't you do Finn?! You asked her in the middle of the hallway why she's not out of the closet yet! Are you kidding me!? You had no right to do that! The whole world is going to know now, the one secret she never wanted anyone else to know!" I said losing my patience
"What do you mean the whole world is going to know?" Finn said looking confused.
"Someone who goes here heard you and told that businessman running for office and now there's a commercial going on today about her! Did any of you ever realise that we never have a meeting at her house?" I said
"We don't ever have any meetings at her house. She always told us it was because she didn't want us stinking up her place." Mercedes said questioningly
"The truth is she would love to have meetings at her house but she doesn't even get to go to her house! For the last year and a half she's been living with me. She came out to her parents last year and they kicked her out! They told her she had 30 minutes to pack up her stuff and leave. They set a timer and everything. She's bitchy to all of you because that's her defense mechanism she thinks if she hurts you first you won't hurt her. So before you go outing people which isn't your right anyways find all the information out first! Now if you'll all excuse me I need to go find my girlfriend!" I said storming out
I called Quinn because I just wanted to find my girlfriend as quick as possible.
"Hello" Quinn said through the phone
"Q, did you find Santana?" I said frantically
"Yes we're under the bleachers by the football field."
I don't think I'd ever run so fast in my life.

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