Chapter 7

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I held unto my hands more wilted sticks to add to the scorching fire, I poked the oak wood together with long sticks and it's flare up with ecstatic embers swirling up the sky.
The cold desert night breeze kept blustering around my face as i hid under my jute quilt. We all dispersed around the blazing fire, wanting to clenched unto the warmth it bestowing upon us.
The sun has receded from our view for a while now, the whole cloud now enveloped by total darkness and so the raging fire cast light upon the dark gloomy surrounding.
It's been a week since we started our journey through the desert, walking on the soft desert sand has really dwindled our journey, and the dry dusky breeze not helping the matter as it kept blowing sand into our eyes and drying up our throat and lips. After gulping down the remaining liquid we had in our water skin bag, all that remained is the metallic taste that clench unto our tongue and mouth.
We journeyed more miles into the desert tired and weak, looking for damp ground to dig through, unfortunately we couldn't get any. Just as we are at the edge of collapsing from dehydration, at the vicinity of a mountain, clear moist sand covered the surface, we quickly rushed toward it and dugged up, to our delight behold water seeping through. We drank to our heart content and decided to set a camp their. The prohong antelope we hunted and grilled has satisfied our once growling tummy and with our thirst quenched we slept soundly by the fire camp.
In the morning the camp fire was out, only the Ashes and piddling piece of embers remains, scant smoke kept billowing from the ashes.
The sound of blade sharpening echoed through the field as Dasoki kept grinding his sword against a rough surface of a rock. The others are all gathering their belongings for the journey ahead. Lamar was applying a healing balm on his sprained ankle. I walked toward him and placed my hands on his shoulder. He shrinked as the balm touched his skin.
"Next time Lamar, you shouldn't be in a hurry, you shouldn't rush your self now see what you got yourself into" I smiled as I nudged his head playfully
"You Don't know how thirsty I was Tsiba, I felt as if I could die any moment then. Seeing the water seeping up from the ground I didn't know what I was doing" he frowned
I laughed as I recall the incident
"Well next time you should be careful, hope you are feeling better?"I tapped his shoulder and stepped away.

"We have to get ready to move out now" I call out to everyone
"we have to go over this mountain, we won't know what awaits us on the other side so I want you and you to go and be on the look out for what lies behind the mountain" " I pointed towards two guard
They bowed respectively and moved towards the mountain.
Dasoki kept stealing glances from where he sat, he has finished sharpening his blades and is now seated on the rock. From the previous incident I've already shut him up. He now hardly tease me as he only steal glances at me.
"You know, you could have ask me to go check ahead, even though I don't know around here I could still help?" He said while chewing on his chewing stick
I didn't look at him as I continued tucking in my jute quilt into my bag.
"But you don't trust me enough to ask me" he scoffed
" i think you are forgetting something" I said while lifting my bag to my shoulder
"You seem to forget who is in charge right?" I turned and looked at him
He giggled at me his masculine figure shaking with his laugh.
"You are In charge your highness!! but you brought me with you so that I show you the way since u have never stepped out of your dominion." He smiled displaying his beautifully arranged set of teeth and moved away.
Leaving me pondering over what he said, He is right, but I couldn't bring myself to ask him for any favor. I don't want him to feel important and relevant, plus I don't want him to see me as weak or incapable.
I bend toward the hole where the water was bursting out to fill my water skin bottle.

Lamar limped toward me while squeezing his face bearing the pain of his foot.

"Why won't you accept help from Dasoki? You refuse to allow him direct us the other time and made us follow the long route and now we are lost in the desert, you know both you and i have never been out of the fence, but this stranger knows a lot about the outside world, I think you should give him a chance Tsiba. I strongly believe he has good intention." Lamar said
I turned towards him and glanced at his tired face. dark circles making temporary residence around His eyes.
I wonder why they don't see how cruel and arrogant Dasoki is. For the pass days I could see they get along with him a lot. They enjoy his company and often when I turned toward them I could see him whispering something to them and them laughing hysterically at his jokes.
Before I could utter a word to Lamar, Dasoki  tremulous voice echoed through the field
" your highness, your higness!!!!!"
I ran toward him standing at the edge of the mountain, only to behold two round shaped objects wrapped in black wool dwindling from top of the mountain.Unwrapping it we gasped beholding our worse fear.

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