Chapter 10

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Farther along the desert we soon arrive at the village on the mountain top. it has been a while since we have been surrounded by lot of people scampering from different direction, bumping into numerous people who didn't pay heed as they make there way towards their various goals. Different sounds ranging from vibrating metals pole to rattling clanks from the blacksmiths, and of different traders screaming offers at the top of their voice surge through our ears, and the smell of stalled food and dried meat filled the air.

Mizoram and her daughters hid there faces under a jute veil as we traipse along the path of the chaotic market to avoid been sighted by the villagers that banished their family.
The moody soil makes the walking tedious as our shoes kept sticking into it.
My stomach grumbled as we approached a stall of freshly fried fish with grilled maize. We had few couries to spare and so we ventured to the stall to filled our grumbling tummy. The fish doesn't taste like the one home, not like the fish from the mazhi lake but it was enough to satisfy our hunger.
While savoring the lingering taste of the last piece of fish, at that instant I sighted someone lurking from behind a wall. I continued eating while stepping away from the fish stall to where my companion where seated, Mizoram and her children were seated on the bench arranged for them by the fish stall owner, while Dasoki and the soldiers rest upon the protruding root of a neem tree. The bench; was a long flank of wood with no adequate width, with it two end supported by wooden legs.
The mysterious person that was hiding peep again through a broken part of the fence wall, I could feel a penetrating eyes as it gazed upon us. I wiped my oil soaked hand on my cloth and moved towards the direction of the wall, they was a fabric shop ahead of the fence. A large crowd of people where gathered around the entrance each bargaining their offer while the shop keeper and his assistant pay attention nodding yes or no to the offer. The shop owner attention diverted to me as he saw me approaching his stall, I smiled at him and he smiled back revealing his gums with some missing tooth. He looked old and feeble but I was amazed by all well he thrive in this busy market.
I looked closer at the side of the shop towards the broken wall, the spying eye has darted away, I can't feel it gaze anymore. I scout the whole area and then smiled at the shopkeeper pacing back to meet the rest.
"Princess, do you see any fabric that pleases her majesty?" Dasoki asked mockingly
I looked up at him and then sat close to Mizoram on the bench. I didn't want to answer him but his chuckle of victory made me answer back.
" I don't have time for all this Dasoki and please when we are in public like this, don't address me as princess " I said while yanking a corn husk and sinking my teeth on it's yellow succulent fruits.
Mizoram and others just smiled at our little squabble.
"Mizoram, this is your village, do you still want to stay here or are you coming with us to a safer place for you and your daughters?" I asked after throwing the last corn cob away.
She looked up at me with her melted eyes as if she got nostalgic of the tragic event that befalls them in this village
"This is not our home anymore my dear, we would go wherever you take us too, we are completely dependent upon you princess" she said from under her scarf while looking towards her daughters that nodded in affirmative.
They looked disturbed since we stepped into there village, I think they are afraid of what might come if the villagers realized who they were.
"I will get you to a safe place with your daugher where you will be happy and safe.that I can promise you" I said while giving her a reassuring squeeze on her shoulder and her jaw widen from under the veil signifying her smiles.
"Mizoram and her daughters are my responsibility now, even though I have a task ahead, I will surely look for a safe haven for them to stay before I continue with my mission." I said as I stood up from where I was seated. And my companion nodded..

We gathered lot of provision for our journey ahead and headed out of this village on the mountain top.
Just at the outskirts of the town we sighted a man on a donkey on an uphill path, he kept yanking the donkey with the binders around his neck and trashing him with a cane on his other hand to make him climb faster. He looks like he was in his mid thirties with tattered brown hemp cloth. He looked furious and angry venting it all on the poor animal, coming closer to him we catches a glimpse of a man tied to the behind of the donkey while He is been dragged through the rough uneven ground, he looks tired, ragged and on the verge of dead. I quicken my step towards them, trying so much to catch up with them and so my companions followed me in tow.
"Stop right there!!!! Where are you taking this man" I shouted from behind him.
The man on the donkey looked back and fume with anger at me.
"Young lady, I don't have any business with you, shuuuuu go your way" he shouted as he turns towards the donkey and yanked him further.
Dasoki and the others soon catched up with me and the soldiers quickly gathered around him.
"Well, well Well!!! So you are not alone, here I was thinking it's just a naive little girl that doesn't know how to mind her own business and then your companion showed up" he let out a monstrous laughed that echoed through the mountain.
"So where do we start, he said while un mounting his donkey
The man has a strong physique as it can easily be viewed from under his robe. He sway towards the direction of the soldier and I quickly moved towards them and swung my sword out of its scabbard, the sound of the swinging sword in the air echoed through the field.
"Well, here I was thinking you are good for nothing. You keep amazing me young lady"he smiled revealing his red stained teeth.
"You haven't seen anything yet" I said while focusing my whole attention at him
He roared toward me as Dasoki quickly fled in between us in a trick of time diving the attack with his sword , Dasoki launch his counterattack which was darted by the strong looking man. Before We knew it the man attacked again with his axe, hitting just where he directed at, Dasoki upper arms and he shrieked with a loud whining cry. I cried out his name from where I stood
"Dasoki" and rushed towards him in a hurry
The cut was deep as blood kept gushing out of the wound. He fall to the ground gasping for air with eyes half closed eyes,
"Why do you always do that Dasoki?" I asked as I yank a piece of my cloths and pressed on the cut to reduce the bleeding.
"Lamar!!!" I called out loudly and he came rushing toward me from the nook they were hidden behind a rock.
He raised Dasoki head from the ground and placed on his thigh while Mizoram came towards them to aid.
The attacker just kept laughing
" this is what you get when you don't mind your business" he continued his laughter
The soldier stepped toward the man to attack
"Patako!!!!" I called them back as loudly as possible in our native language and they retreat
I stood up with the support of my sword on the ground and stepped towards the man
"I don't want to hurt you lady, " he said while grinning at me
" I don't think so tough man" I said as I used my fast speed before he knows it I stood an inch away from him hitting him right on the head with the hilt of my sword. He moved back petrified, curious and dizzily before he got the change to know what hit him I sped faster and stood behind him and thrust my sword cutting him right on the knee, he collapse almost immediately to the ground and his axe falling  to a distant from him, he looked up at me petrified.
"Am sorry!! Please pardon me, I was assigned to bring him over by the great Pagura, he escaped before we could hand him over to the slave dealers and so I was asked to bring him over so that he can be hanged to death for fleeing" the now petrified man said sobbing and begging with his hands up in the air.

I looked at him, his once confident eyes now replaced by fright and terror. I sank the shape end of my sword into his left upper arms as it pierced with blood gushing out, he cried out while I remind him that
"this is for Dasoki" and then I kneel in front of him staring him directly in the eye, I punch him hard right on the face and he lies still against the rough ground; unconscious..
"And this is for under estimating me""

Thank you guys so much for all the support, but please i still need more of your support.. like, comment and share please!!

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