1 - Who what where

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"AAAUUU" I screamed, a little bit too loud for myself. That pan where I baked my eggs in was still too hot to touch. Oops. Morning's are not for me. I hate mornings. I never have and I never will be a morning person. While wandering off to my many thoughts I always have, I got a text.

"How late are you coming in?"

It was now 7:48 in the morning. To go to the office it was 20 minutes by car, but I still had to change clothes and put makeup on. Sooo, it would take me at least an hour still.

"At 9:00, why" I replied

"Meeting at 10:00 with the London office, we still need to prepare somethings... remember?"

Eh duhu, I really did not forget about one of the most important meetings of my freaaking life. We, my businesspartner and I, need to pitch for a executive board so that we can get a third office in London, which has always been a dream for me!

I remember the day that we officially got the call to open our second office in New York City. That day was a day that I almost wanted to set on my body because damn it, that was goals. As a young girl, I always had a vision of myself working for a big firm in a big city. Walking in those streets with high heels, a black suit with a white blouse and coffee in one hand. By now I know this is not the thing of things as it is far away from being realistic. First, I can not walk on high heels. Second, when I did that, wanting to be a high-class girl walking in the NY streets, I spilled coffee all over my new bought suit.  

Still wandering about those days, my phone beeped with a text "???"

It was too early for me to be serious.

"Oh shiiit, I forgot. Got an appointment to do my nails at 10:15.. Have to skip this meeting sorry!"

Hahahaha,  now I want to see that that dumbasso's face. 

Waiting for a text back, I eat my breakfast and put on my lucky suit. A black blazer with a deep but still appropriate white v-neck blouse and a black skinny flared pants. This is not only my favourite outfit because I wore it the day we first came to our office building in San-Fransisco. But is also my favourite outfit because my butt looks great in it. If I had to say so myself, I had a pretty nice but. 

I was not a skinny girl, but also not plus sized. Wearing size 38/40, which used to be 44/46 I was happy with my curves, butt and boobs. 

As I was putting my makeup on, and yes I was a makeup freak (but still having a normal face), I got a call. I smiled and knew already who it was. I picked up, and before saying anything he started to yell.


I couldn't stop laughing and he became silent.

"You were kidding right...?" he said on a lower voice than before. 

"Yes you idiot. Ofcourse I will be at this meeting... leaving you alone with those important people will prevent me from having a darnn office in London." I said

I could hear him sight. "Okay great for giving me a heart-attack for the last 10 minutes, but I am still going to pick you up at 8:45 so be ready." "Okay James, I will be ready." I said on a whiny tone. 

And he hung up. He is a stubborn 25-year old, but very smart. He always wants to be right and wants everything in his way. But very, very, veeeryy deep he has a sweet little hart. 

So at 8:45 I was standing in front of the apartment building and I saw his black BMW coming towards me. I opened the door, sat down, and closed the door. I was looking at him with a very big smile and he was having a straight face. A little bit angrier than his normal face I could see. He looked at me and looked even angrier. I was smiling more because I knew what was going through his mind.

He hated me for pulling such a stunt in the morning. He is not a morning person either and I used it, a lot of times. After 5 minutes, I said good morning on a sweet voice (still smiling), knowing that he was going to ignore me or become angry. 

"Shut up" James said growling. 

Yesyesyes, my life mission actually is to piss him off. Every day, every hour and every minute we are working or being together. I knew it was his life mission too, so that is what key was in our friendship. And now it is 1-0 for me this day.

After having a silent 20-minute car ride, we arrived in the garage of the building, took the elevator, and went to the meeting office. The room was cleaned and fresh flowers were in the middle of the table. I love the scent of fresh flowers.

As James and I were practising, my assistant Marlene came in and brought me a cup of coffee. "Ah thank you Mar!" and I hugged her. My assistant became in a two months period, one of my best friends. I normally do not like the idea of having someone doing my stupid task and bossing someone around, but as our company started to grow in a short time, I needed someone who helped me keeping my agenda up to date, remind me of important things, and get me my food.

"No problem, did you get the email from Josh? He needs that letter signed before 5 p.m." and Marlene saw James staring at my cup of coffee and continued "... And the coffee machine broke down sooo... this was the last cup of coffee we could make today.. sorry James" I loved Marlene.

I saw James frowning which made me laugh. "Prank mate, I will bring you one in a minute!" said Marlene and went to the office kitchen. 

"What is going on with you woman this morning?" James said grumpily.  I pinched fingers in his cheek and said that he has to smile because otherwise those people from London would walk away just by seeing his dorky face. He rolled his eyes at me.

"Don't do that to me Mr. Guard, you know that turns me on.." as I winked with my eyebrows.

And finally, the first smile of today came on James his face. "You really have to stop those Fifty shades intimations, it's getting creepy. You know, you really have to find a guy that wants to do those kinds of things with you, you know."

Now I was the one being angry. He knows that I hate to be single and he oh so loved it to rub it in my face. 

I was drinking my coffee and going over the slides again when Alex, James assistant, came in to bring his coffee. Two minutes later I got a phone call from Marlene that the people from London were in the waiting room so James and I shotted down our coffee and walked to the people from London. 

And so the meeting started..

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