4 - Travel

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NOTE: I really do not have a clue about how the time differences including flight time so I just made it up :)) xx 


It was Saturday night and I was packing my suitcase for Australia. I packed 2 suits, one red one and a black one and simple black heels to go with it. I would were my Nike Air Force 1 for the flight and for walking over there in my spare time. 1 Pair of shorts, a skirt, 2 black v neck shirts, pyjama, my favourite blue jeans and a nice dress. 

I am not a light traveller, because you never know. Just in case I always say.

I packed my curling iron in a special case and my hairdryer in my case. 2 sets of bags full of makeup, just in case. Despite the fact that I did pack more than I needed, there was still some room left. 

Bathingsuit, my new one in case I go to the beach, but I needed a beach dress for that. After packing those my suitcase was still not full. I threw in a sort of jogging pants but still looked good as normal pants in a khaki colour. Some extra white shirts and I closed my suitcase. I dragged it out of my walk-in closet and put it in front of the door. My passport was laying on the kitchen counter with all my flight info. After I brushed my teeth, cleaned my face and put my blond hair into a bun, I jumped in my bed. Setting my alarm for 11:00 a.m. as the taxi would be here at noon. 

Getting into a comfortable position. Just when I closed my eyes, I got a call. 

My mother. I liked her but when she calls, those talks would last for two hours. When my brother and I moved out 6 years ago, my mom and dad had the time of their lives. They travelled a lot and just enjoyed the time they had with each other. 

"Hee Lara, ready for Australia?"

"Yes mom, already packed everything."

"Good, and how is everything going there in San Fran?"

My parents live in Foster City, where I also grew up. Not that far, but not in a way that you just drive over there and say hello and go.  And since I work a lot, I mostly call or FaceTime with them.

"GW is good, I am good."

"Oooh fantastic, and how is James doing? Did he freak out when he saw the Forbes article? Oooh, Lara, when I and your dad saw it we were so proud, you know that right!?"

"Hahaha mom, James is totally fine. And yes, when he saw it he jumped around like a bunny, you had to see it!" I smiled while saying it. My parents know James for a long time now and also saw him grow up to the man he is now, which is actually cute. I like his parents too. His mother is so sweet, we are like friends. And his dad, he is also very nice. A real businessman, but we are on the same level as our jokes, so that connected us.  

"So nice to hear that, would you like to talk to dad? He's just watching tv"

I love my dad. Like really. I've always been a daddy's girl. Even though he worked a lot and when he came home he just wanted to sit down and watch TV, he was a real example for me. 

"Yess please, bye mom! See you in a week!" 

"Bye! Take care over there in Australia!!!" I heard my mom mumble to my dad that I wanted to speak to him.

"Hi Lara! Soo, ready for Sydney?"

"Yes, ofcourse dad! Any tips you can give me when you were there 100 years ago?" I chuckled.

"Well, you really need to be bitten by a dangerous animal, would fit you." in a serious voice.

"Too bad you did not experience it, hihi"

"Just look out for creepers little girl, and just don't do anything stupid."

"Ofcourse dad, don't worry about me. Think about all the koala's that have to hear me say AAAAHH the whole time!"

He knew I was obsessed with koalas and pandas. He made a lot of jokes saying that I was just like a panda or koala. Eating and sleeping all day. True tho. If it was possible.

"Give those koalas a kiss from me, will you?"

"Hahaha, love you dad!"

"Love you too, have a safe flight and text us when you arrive in your hotel!"

"Bye dad!"

I smiled because I loved to talk to my dad, even though he can be stubborn sometimes. 

With that smile, I went to sleep.

I was being woken up by my alarm. Damn, I slept for 12 hours. That is a new record for the past couple of years. 

I showered, put on a legging, v- neck shirt and a big sweater. I always fly in comfortable clothes, especially these kinds of flights. Ate some cereal and opened my laptop. I had to send one email before the cab was here. After pressing on send, I put all my papers, passport, wallet, phone, cables and laptop in my bag. 

I checked in my suitcase and went through security I went to a shop to get some food. I grabbed a bag of M&M's, a Toblerone bar and paid. Then I went to the perfume department to spray something on. I have done this since I was a little kid. Trying the newest perfume and sprits it on. I sprayed some Gucci Bloom on my chest and hands and walked away. 

Just when I left the store, my phone rang. It was James.

"Hey, whatsupp?" I said

"Are you already chilling in the lounge? Enjoying free food?"

"What the hell are you talking about, I'm flying economy."

"Look at your ticket again Lary."

I grabbed my ticket out of my bag. 

Lara Weston 

San Fransisco - Sydney

Business Class 

Freaking hack.

I NEVER fly business class. 

"Huh, why did you do this?" 

"Think of it as a thank you after all your hard work."

"Ooh James, you really did not have to do this..."

"Yes Lara, 15 hours pure laying down and eating good food. Thank me later!"

I stumbled through the airport, finding this lounge with my phone still to my ear.

"Aah thank you Jamsy! Good luck this week. Do not pick my office while I am gone!"

"Hahahhaa I am going to miss you. Not" 

"Bye jerk!" Making a kissing sound and hung up as I was entering the lounge after showing my ticket.

I sat down in a big lounge chair next to the window to see the plains landing and going up. I am still amazed by the fact how those planes can fly with that much weight... I would never understand that. 

"Can I bring you something to drink, Miss?" As I woke up from my wander path, I asked for an orange juice. In 2 hours my plane would go and since it was lunchtime I walked to the buffet. It was looking insane. Not only the food but also just the place itself. Very luxurious and only people in a suit or expansive bags were walking around. There I was in my leggings, sneakers and oversized sweater... 

After taking 2 different sandwiches and an apple from the buffer, I sat down and ate in peace. 

Then, out of the blue, someone tapped on my shoulder.

"Lara, is that you?"

Oh no, who could this be?

For once, I was sitting peacefully eating. Ready for a mini vacation.

Who the hell was disturbing this moment I waited 3 years for.

So I turned around and I gasped. 

No way, he couldn't be it.

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