3 - Lunch

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"You are going to Australia coming Monday for the new office"

"Which office? Whaat?" I looked at him as if he was saying that he would jump off a cliff just for fun.

"It is not definitive yet, but there needs to be someone to talk to those people over there for the possible building. And I thought maybe you want to go?"


My brain had a malfunction.

"Did the champagne damaged something?" smirking while he said it.

I think I started to feel sweat in my blouse. 

"Okay okay, I know this is coming to you a little bit unexpecting but I just got that news this morning and I didn't want to interrupt our pitch London flow, and now seemed like the right time." 

"Why me and not you?" I asked confused.

He looked at me, very deeply in my eyes. "I wanted you to go away for a while, I already booked the flight and I booked a day longer so you can have a day off, relax or go shopping." 

I could hug him to death right when I heard the day off. I was finally getting some sense back into my brain. "Wow.. thank you James." I looked at him and smiled. "You earned it" 

Oh shit, I could feel the sweat dripping.

I looked at him with this dark blue colbert, white blouse and red tie. Oh man... 

"Why aren't we both going?" I asked him. It would be more fun though and he hasn't had a day off in three years too.

"Uh someone needs to keep everyone from sleeping!" He laughed at his own joke and I could see his one dimple on the left side now. 

"So I am really going to Sydney... okay. For how many days?"

"On Sunday around noon, you fly and then you will arrive on Monday in the afternoon. On Tuesday morning is the first meeting, that will take about 4 hours. On Wednesday you have a trip with those people to look at different buildings. Thursday you will meet potential staff and the head of our office in Sydney and on Friday you have your day off and on Saturday you will fly back" He looked and me and smiled the whole time. In a way that I almost cannot believe this. 

"You're not joking right?" But then the waiter came to take our order. 

"What would you like to have for lunch?" The young waiter asked. James winked to me meaning I had to order first. Gentleman.

"For me the club sandwich salmon please" I said. And James added "And for me, the caesar salad please" James looked at me and said, "Oh yeah and a portion of fries."Damnnnn that boy knew me too well. 

The waiter walked away and I put my tongue out. 

"Whoahhh if you are going to be mean I go to Sydney"

"NOOONOO kidding loveyouforeverbfflysm"

He laughed and I laughed too. We sometimes hate each other, like were we seriously could slap one and sometimes we acted like a cringy couple. I liked that about our friendship. We've known each other for a long time and therefore we both know what to expect. 

He used to be a boy who wanted nothing to do with girls. But when I came into his life he changed. At least, that's what I always say. 

The lunch continued talking about Sydney and Forbes stuff. 

When my sandwich and his salade came, he grabbed a couple of potato chips and I stabbed my knife into his salad. Normally I don't share food, and people know that. But with James, I can handle it. When I don't know what to take he sometimes offers to take something I am doubting over. 

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