6 - Down Under

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I slept during the whole flight,  but of course woke up when food was served. I never say no to food so I asked the stewardess if she could wake me up. Sweet girl.

When I stepped off the plain, I felt a warm wind through the window of the airport. It was January, which meant the summer season in Australia. Maybe I could work on my tan on my day off..

Thinking about cocktails and the beach, I went through the passport control and picked up my suitcase from the luggage band. Marlene fixed a cab who was standing in the arrival hallway with my name on it. I think he was about 55 years old, no skinny but also not fat with a sweet face. 

"Are you Miss Weston?"

"Yes" I smiled

"I am Pete, your personal cabby for the week." He shook my hand and asked me if he could carry my suitcase. I let him carry it. 

"What means personal cabby?" I had no idea what Marlene or James arranged, I just let it all come over me. 

"I give you my number and if you need me, just call me and I will be there. I already know all your appointments so you just tell me when you want to be picked up and I will bring you there." 

I already loved Pete. I am really not used to have a personal assistant, let alone a personal cab! I walked towards his car and damn it was a nice car. A very modern Land Rover. I love these kinds of cars. I stepped in and let him drive to... I don't know where. 

Shit, in which hotel did I sleep? James didn't tell me, I only had a paper with the confirmation but I have no idea what kind of place that is. I asked Pete if he knew where I was staying. He nodded yes. I was rapidly pulling out all my papers to look for the hotel one. When I saw the name, it didn't ring a bell. I asked Pete what kind of hotel it was. 

"Well, Miss Weston, I don't know who booked it but it is a pretty damn nice hotel. Thank that person!" He kind of smirked while saying it. Now I don't know if it was a joke or if it was serious. We drove in the city of Sydney and damn, it was beautiful. 

We drove in a street, a street that was pretty darn fancy with a beautiful view and some expensive hotels. Suddenly, Pete stops the car and I looked at him confused. 

"We arrived, Miss!"

No way. James did not arrange THIS hotel. Pete opened the door, I stepped out of the car and a man grabbed my suitcase out of the trunk. This hotel was massive. It had an old, Victorian style with big windows. I climbed up the stairs to go to the lobby and my suitcase was still being carried. 


Inside it still had the old style but with modern aspects. A HUUGE chandelier was in the middle of the lobby. It was a bit dark, but in a way it looked stylish. I couldn't believe my eyes. I never slept in these kinds of hotels. After checking in and still gasping about everything I saw, I stepped in the elevator with a girl from the reception to appoint me my room. We went up to the 24th floor. 

I followed the girl and she opened the door for me with a keycard. I first walked through a small hallway which ended up in an enormous room. One side of the room was fully made of glass, with a view you wondered if it wasn't fake so beautiful.

I looked over almost whole Sydney, including the Opera building. When I walked in, there was my bed which had the foot end almost against the glass window and the headboard against a wall in de middle in the room. On the other side, there was a bathtub, a separate shower, a toilet and a 2 parted sink. Damn. 

The room had gold details with mostly black and white elements and a touch of blue. The girl mentioned that there was dinner downstairs or room service if I wanted to because it was now 6 in the afternoon. I gave the girl a tip, and she closed the door for me. 

I jumped on my bed like a 6-year-old and danced without music through the whole room. After 5 minutes I was exhausted and fell on my huge bed. After cooling down, I called that dumbass of a James. 

"Lary, I was almost sleeping, can we do it tomorrow?" he sounded tired. Oh yeah time difference. 

"Where the freaking hell did you put me in!?" I asked, not minding his reaction

I heard him laugh on the other side of the phone.

"Don't you like it? I can always arrange a hostel or B&B for you..?"

"I don't mean it that way... you know I don't need this kind of extra things James."

"I know girl hahaha, don't you even thank me for all the effort tttsss"

Aarrghh, no no this is not how I meant it, and he knows this. He wants to make me feel guilty.

"James, shut up. I love this!!! You know that!" I waited for a second. "Thank you, James, really.."

"No problem hunnybunny. Order some room service and go to sleep, you need some energy for tomorrow." 

"I will, thank you again." 

"Goodluck tomorrow, and will you call me after you're done?"

"Ofcourse I will, goodnight James."

"Goodnight Lara, sleepwell."

I put my phone in the charger and unpack my stuff, ordered some room service and went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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