2 - Surprise

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"Goodmorning ladies and gentleman. Thank you for coming all the way to San Fransico to meet with us about a potential business location in London. I am Lara Weston and this is my partner James Guard and we are the CEO's of GW corporate. A company that was set up by two former students with the same passion, the stock market. This company is runned by two 25 years old with already having a second office in New York City and is now looking to expand to London, the heart of business Europe. " 

After I did the introduction, James was talking about what the company stands for, what we do and blablabla. I looked at the people from London, which were investors and were looking with hopefully great interest to James.  

There was one younger girl, I think about 30 years old who was smiling the whole time to James. I hated her already.

Not that I have a crush on James or something, but I can say that he was good looking. A body with a lot of muscles, nice arms, nice boy butt, nice/pretty face with blue (sometimes grey eyes and dark blond hair. Not too short but not too long. Without gel it is more curly and cute but with hair paste, he looks like a daddy (sorry not sorry), especially with a suit on.. damn it.

I have known James for a very long time, and when I met him he was already good looking, but still in the teens' phase. But since he was going more to the gym and paid more attention to this looks, girls spontaneously jumped on him. 

I don't blame them.

But no, I do not like him in a loving way. He is a good friend and my business partner so yeah.

 As I woke up from my little wandering off moment, I saw that it was almost my turn to continue the pitch.

When I said Thank You, everyone started to clap in their hands and I smiled. This was done. 

A woman came to me from the London people with a smile. "I loved your presentation!" She was a typical British woman, very stylish, perfect hairdo and a fantastic British accent. I can imagine her next to the queen of the UK and drinking tea with her pinky finger up. "..and I can see so much potential in this company" and she rambled on. 

".. Can I ask you one thing, darling?" Oops, where was this going? "Of course!" I answered with a worried smile. 

"Who is your interior designer? I love the way how this office is decorated, it is so stylish and neat. I would love this designer to do my office!!!" Her tone went higher and laughed. I was shocked because I did not see this question coming, so out of the blue.

"Well, I did hahaha" on a bit awkward way. "I sat together with Mr. Guard and we defined our style we wanted to have in our offices and I put it all into a plan and now we are standing in my plan" I did actually love interior designs. I studied that next to my business education. I wanted the offices to have a very modern style with glass, wood, white, black, green and gold. As this is a serious business we did not want to have a pink theme, but we also did not want to have a boring black and white office. The touch of green with wood combined would give the office a more natural atmosphere and all the windows were full screen so a lot of natural light would come in.

"Wauw! You really have some talent!" and the woman patched me on my shoulder. "If I ever have a problem or something, I will call you" she smiled and walked away.

Okay, random.

After James and I said goodbye to the people from London, we walked to this office and lay down on this couch. He was sitting in his chair and looked up.

"Where should we go if we cannot get this office?" James asked, still looking up. "Berlin... or Amsterdam... or Paris?" I mumbled, also looking up. He looked at me and waited for a while to answer. "Sydney?" He said. 

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