Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 - Brooke’s POV:

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I find a cute outfit to wear to school and put it on. Once I have finished getting dressed I go downstairs to eat breakfast. I pop some bread in the toaster and get out some jam and a knife. After I have finished eating my toast I go back to my room and fix up my hair. I also put on a bit of makeup. When I think I look presentable I pack my school bag and go brush my teeth.


I was walking up to my group of friends at school. I give all of them a hug. I copy off Casey’s maths homework before we go to class. First I had science then maths. Science was super boring. We just did theory. Maths was ok, my teacher explained the answers to the homework, and I am understanding it now. When maths was over, me and Claudia went to our lockers. I chucked my books inside and took out my english book and P.E clothes. Recess went about as usual and so did the next 2 classes. After P.E it was lunch, I didn’t need to go to my locker so I started walking to the cafeteria by myself. I was just casually walking along when I hit something hard and stumbled. I dusted myself off and mumbled a sorry, I looked up to see who I had run into. A pole, that is really awkward, I just said sorry to a pole. Lucky nobody was around to see it. I picked up my pace when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was a text from mum, but before I could even read what it said I bashed into something else. This time I fell to the floor and scraped my knee. I looked up to see if I had run into another pole. It turns out that I ran into a person. And not just any person, the person who’s face had been in the back of my mind the entire day. Brandon. I quickly grabbed my phone that had fallen on the floor, thank goodness it hadn’t broken. “You right there Hyland?” Brandon said, he didn’t sound nearly as concerned as he did when i fell over in dance. He also called me by my last name, I hated that. He looked over at his friends, they all laughed.

“I’m fine,” I looked down at my feet and quickly scurried away.


The last class of the day was art, I liked art. At the moment I was painting a picture of some flowers. “Hey, what happened to your knee?” My friend Emma asked. She sounded more interested than concerned. I told her all about what happened. She laughed at me when I told her that I said sorry to a pole. “So, do you like him?” Emma asked, her eyebrows raised.

“Like who?” I knew exactly who she was talking about, weather I wanted to tell her was a different question.

“Brandon silly.” Emma laughed.

I decided to tell her the truth. “I don’t know, last night I thought that I did, but today when he called me Hyland, and acted kind of rude, I kind of ju-I don’t know.”


I was waiting for my mum to come pick me up from school, she was taking us to dance. Mum was a little late, that was actually what the text said. Remember, the text that she sent me before I ran into Brandon. I heard footsteps behind me. I looked in the direction that they were coming from. It was Brandon, he locked eyes with me before I quickly turned away. I felt him come and sit next to me. “Are you being picked up?” I just nodded. We sat there awkwardly for a minute before he spoke again. “Is that from when you fell over?” Brandon was pointing to the graze on my knee. I nodded again. “Well, I’m sorry for being kind of a jerk today, I should have helped you up.” He sounded very sincere. A smile automatically formed on my face.

“No, It’s cool.” I looked up at him and he smiled at me. I felt my face going red so I looked back at the road. Suddenly I felt him place his hand on mine. Whether he did it on purpose or not, he was not moving it. Then he did something unexpected. He took my hand in his hands and rested them on his leg. I quickly moved my hand away. Right at that moment my mum’s car pulled up. “Well, bye.” And with that I ran into the car and we drove off. When we arrived at the dance studio I got out of the car and got my dance bag from the trunk of the car. At dance we didn’t really learn anything new, we cleaned up the group dance, and Abby worked on the trio and solo’s. Not much happened, Abby actually let me leave at 5pm because we had finished working on the group dance. 

That night, when I was trying to get to sleep, my mind kept thinking about how Brandon held my hand. Now I wish that I didn’t pull away, just to see what would have happened.

Authors Note: By the way, Brooke doesn’t have a friend called Emma, (well, not that I know of) I just made her up for the story.

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