Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 - Brooke's POV:

Paige and I ran as fast as we could into the big white building. Today was pyramid day, and we were already late. I pushed the door open to the dancers den and then to Studio A. Everyone was already lined up and waiting. “Brooke, Paige, how nice of you to join us.” Abby said. Good thing they hadn’t started the pyramid yet. We stood in line while Abby told us all the things that we need to improve on. My mum walked in the room, she was even later than we were because she needed to park the car. Abby gave her a harsh glare before she started on the pyramid. “At the bottom, we have Kendall. You did well in the group, but you didn’t stand out. Next we have, Mackenzie. You didn’t have a solo, there wasn’t much to judge you on. Now we have, Nia. Good job in the group last week but I want more from you. Here we have, Paige. Well done kid. You proved you can hang with Maddie and Chloe.” Abby was now up the the middle row, I shifted nervously. “In the middle we have, Chloe. You did well, you came second so that is why you are third. Next we have, Brooke. You proved me wrong, you can do lyrical. And quite well if I may add. And on top we have, Maddie. You came first in your solo, and you danced with so much emotion.” We all hugged Maddie and got back in line. “Now for assignments. Maddie you will have a solo this week. I want it to win. Chloe you will not have a solo, but you will have your duet with Paige.” They whole room erupted with cheers of excitement. “Brooke, I was going to give you a duet with Brandon, but I got a call from his mother last night saying he would be at camp. So I think we will turn your duet into a solo. The group dance this week is about our winning streak. It is about how we are all well known, but there is a downside to that, everyone wants to beat us. Everyone wants to say they beat the Abby Lee Dance Company. Moms you are dismissed, girls start stretching.” We started stretching and the moms went into the viewing room.

It was now 7pm and we were running the group dance one last time before we left. It was still not finished. We had about 9 counts of 8 to go. Maddie’s solo was finished and the duet was half way done. Abby hadn’t done anything about my duet with Brandon yet. After we finished what we had learnt, and everyone was puffed out, Abby started to talk. “Ok, we are behind scheduled, so tomorrow I want everyone here by 5am, then you can go to school and come back. I will finish all the dances tomorrow. Make sure you are here.” And with that everyone walked out of Studio A, said goodbye and piled into their cars. 

The car ride home was silent, Paige was texting Chloe and mom was concentrating on the road. I pushed the button for the radio, ‘Eyes Open’ by Taylor Swift was playing. It just so happens that this is the song we are using for our group dance. I actually agree with Abby’s idea for this dance, everyone wants to beat us. Good thing I love this song, I dont think I will get sick of it for a while. When we pulled into our garage, we got out of the car. We had dinner, showered and got ready for bed. I decided to go on twitter, I logged on and looked through it. After a while I got bored, I hopped into bed and pulled the covers over me. I was about to rest my head down on the pillow when I heard my phone buzz. I turned over a picked it up. It was a text from Brandon. It said ‘Goodnight beautiful.’ We were not going out or anything, but it was good to know that somebody had the same feelings for you that you have for them. I replied by telling him about our duet and that it was probably going to be turned into a solo. He immediately replied by saying sorry but it was ok, as long as I didn’t have to do our dance with another boy. I got tingles and felt so happy. We texted for a while longer before he said he had to go because the teacher was coming over and he wasn’t supposed to have his phone out.


The next thing I knew, I was being shaken awake by Paige. “The hell! Why in God’s name are you waking me up at.. 4 in the morning? 4 IN THE MORNING!” I didn’t realize how early it was.

“Because silly, we have to be at the studio by 5, remember?” I groaned, I didn’t feel like dancing. It was an early Tuesday morning, I hate Tuesdays. Dont ask me why, I just dont like them. I got out of bed and put a blue leotard on. Then I chucked some sweats over. I lazily slopped downstairs and ate a granola bar. After that, I went back upstairs and put my hair in a french braid. I put some makeup on and then helped Paige with her hair. 

“GIRLS, IM LEAVING.” My mum shouted from the front door.

“We’re coming!” We shouted back, I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. I hopped in the car and we drove to the studio.


I was sitting next to Maddie stretching. “Hey Brookie, can you lift up my back leg?” Maddie was sitting in the splits at the moment.

“Sure thing” I told her. I went up behind her and started to lift her back leg up. “Tell me when to stop.” I kept lifting up, she was almost at a 90˚ angle when she told me to stop.

“Girls, get into your positions for the group.” Abby said, we all obeyed and got into our start positions. Gia pressed play on the song and we started dancing. When we finished what we had learnt, Abby started to teach us the last 9 counts of 8. It took us about half an hour before we finished the group. We all went into studio B while Chloe learnt the end of her solo. Maddie and I were helping Kenz with her turns. After about 45 minutes, Maddie was called in to work on her duet with Chloe.

At about 6:15 we were told we could go home and get ready for school. When I got home I showered, put on a shirt and shorts, fixed my hair and makeup and got ready to go. We left for school at 8 and just made it there on time.

School was more boring than usual, the day just went so slow. I could not wait for the bell for last period to go, so when it did, I was the first one out the door. My mom picked me up from school and took me straight to the Abby Lee Dance Company, she already had my dance bag in the car. When we got to dance, nobody was there yet. We just waited in the viewing room and waited for the team to arrive. Paige and I made the time go by, by watching the younger kids dance. When the tot class went out of the studio, we knew it was time for us to go in. Paige said goodbye to mom and we walked into the dancers den to see that everyone had arrived. Abby let us into the studio and told us to get stretching while she sorted out something. We all did as we were told, we all sat in a big circle and stretched. When Abby came back, she told everyone except Chloe and I to go into Studio C and do something productive. Abby was going to start my solo and Chloe was going to help with music. “Your dance is about having a first chance at love, but you are worried. Your song will be ‘Only Exception’ by Paramore.” Abby said, I was kind of excited to do this solo, it was lyrical again. I learnt my entire dance, and it was really impressive. I was doing things that I had never done before. It was kind of risky to try new things a couple days before competition, but hey, what is life without risk?

The rest of the day went smooth. It consisted of cleaning the group dance, watching Maddie and Chloe’s solos and duet and going to technique, and legs and feet class. Abby let us go at 6, this gave me time to finish and start homework as well as have a little free time. 

Before I went to bed I started texting Brandon again, telling him about my day and asking about his camp. I am really happy that we are close again. It took some time at the beginning, but once we knew of each others feelings towards each other, everything is smooth sailing. I cant wait for him to get back from his camp, maybe Abby will let us do our duet.

Authors Note: I know I didn’t upload and I am sorry. I will make it up to you by having this weeks chapter out and hopefully if I have time by adding another chapter. And if you didn’t notice, I am having a bit of an obsession with ‘Eyes Open’ by Taylor Swift, so I will put that in the side bar so you can become obsessed with me. Anyway, see you next chapter. xxx

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