Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 - Brooke's POV:

Everyone was walking to go watch the trio. We all got seated when the announcer said “Here we have number 86, Chloe, Maddie and Paige from the Abby Lee Dance Company performing ‘I Want it’.” They were so good, they have improved so much. I am so proud of my little sissy. When they finished dancing, everyone clapped and cheered.  Abby looked very impressed. We all went back into the green-room, and waited for the girls to come. When they burst through the door, everyone went crazy. Eventually Abby had to quite us down and make us get ready for the group dance. I went over to my mum to put my hair in a french twist. We had to get ready for our group dance now, because we had our group dance right after awards for solos and duo/trios. When my hair was done, Paige got her’s done. I touched up my makeup and went to help Kenzie with hers. Once everyone was ready we ran the group dance a couple times. I noticed that Brandon wasn’t still like he was yesterday. After we ran it about 4 times we went to the stage for awards. The parents and Abby went to sit in the audience while we all went on stage. Once we were all sitting down they started awards. I squeezed Maddie and Chloe’s hands like my life depended on it. “In the 9-12 age solo category, In 3rd place we have... number 49, 'Trust' by Lucy.” The announcer screamed. Maddie and Chloe breathed a sigh of relief. “In 2nd place, we have... number 47 'I Am a Good Girl' by Chloe.” Chloe got up and went over to the announcer, he handed her a medal and she smiled. I looked over to Maddie, she look excited. “And in 1st place we have... number 43 'Skin' by Maddie!” Maddie ran over to the announcer and got a trophy, she held Chloe’s hand. “What studio are you from?” The announcer asked. 

“Abby Lee Dance company” She said, beaming.

“And who choreographed your number?”

“Abby Lee Miller.” Chloe and Maddie came back to sit down, I grabbed their hands and started to get nervous again.

 “Ok now we are up to the 13-15 year old age category for solos. In 3rd place we have ... number 62 ‘Always’ by Rachel. In 2nd place we have... number 54 ‘Now’ by Haley. And in 1st place we have... number 57b, ‘Actions Speak Louder than Words, by Brooke” I ran over to the announcer, I was so happy. 

“What studio are you from?” The man asked

“Abby Lee Dance company” I replied as I took the trophy. 

“And who choreographed your number?” 

“Abby Lee Miller.” I gave the announcer a high-five before I went to go sit back down between Maddie and Chloe and wait and see if the trio got anything. After they had announced the awards for the 16-18 age solo’s it was time for the trio. 

“Wow! That was some costume! Now lets move onto the duo/trio for ages 9-12. In 3rd place we have... number 81, ‘Any Day of the Week’ by Vanessa and Kate. In 2nd place we have... number 92b, ‘Always’ by Lauren and Sam. And1st place belongs to... ‘I Want It’ by Chloe, Maddie and Paige. All three of them went to get their trophy. “What studio are you from?” He asked. 

“ABBY LEE DANCE COMPANY!” All three of them yelled into the microphone.

“And who choreographed your number?”

“ABBY LEE MILLER!” Once again they all yelled, from the audience I could see all the moms laughing. They came to sit back down. After the older age categories had been announced, we all went off stage and made our way to the green-room. We all practically broke down the door. Abby gave Maddie a hug and we all showed her our trophies. 

“Girls, I know this is all very exciting, but we have a group number to perform so touch up your makeup and lets go!” Abby said. I went to refresh my lipstick before we ran the group number once more. Then we went to the stage.

Brandon’s POV:

I am so happy for all of the girls, and I am really excited to tell Brooke I like her, but I will do that after the group dance. What if it doesn’t work out the way I planned? I don’t want to stuff up the group. We all headed backstage, everyone was practicing a different part of the dance. “Everyone put your hands together for number 94, Abby Lee Dance Company performing ‘At the Circus’.” Everyone clapped while we walked on stage. We all got into positions and our music ‘Circus by Brittany Spears’ came on. I think it went really well, we we’re all in time from what I could see. The lifts I did with Brooke were good and she didn’t fall over. When we got into our end pose everyone clapped and cheered. We walked off stage and headed to the green room. 

“Mackenzie, on one of your kicks you didn’t point your toe, but other than that you kept up with everyone. Paige, you were a little to much left at the beginning, but you fixed it. Everyone, well done.” Abby said, huh, she didn’t give me any corrections. Everyone was talking and goofing around, I wanted to talk to Brooke but she was with Nia and Kendall. Then the perfect opportunity came up.

“I’m gonna get some coke at the vending machine, anyone want anything?” Brooke asked.

“I need some water, I’ll come too.” I said, my plan was about to be put in action.

“Ok cool.” We walked over to the lobby together. She was talking about the group dance, when she looked up at me our eyes locked and she blushed.

“Listen Brooke. I need to tell you something.” She stopped walking and looked up at me.

“What have a done, was it something I said?” She was fiddling with her fingers.

“No, you didn’t do anything. It is just, I-I have been meaning to tell you this for a while, I like you.”

Author’s Note: MWAHAHAHA, I feel so evil. I am making you wait to see what she says. Anyway about the group dance song choice, ‘Circus by Brittany Spears’. I’m not sure if it works, but I couldn’t find anything else. I didn’t want traditional circus music and that was the best I could find. Music for group to your right. xx

Actions Speak Louder than Words (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now