Going on tour. (Louis #1)

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  • Dedicated to Tiffany May

(A.N.) - Not sure what happened, it was originally going to be based on their 1 year anniversary but my mind got side tracked. Hope you like this one just as much :). Thats all, please comment what you think xx Dedicated to One of my amaZayn bestfriends Tiffany <3

You’re lying in bed staring at the roof trying your hardest not to cry but a single tear slips down your face. You let it fall. You turn over and check the time. 1:00 pm. Today is your 1 year anniversary with your boyfriend Louis Tomlinson – yes, the Louis from the famous boy band One Direction. But he hasn’t called or texted you at all for about a week.

   He and the boys are currently in America on the up all night tour, so you didn’t expect to be constantly talking, but you did expect a happy anniversary text or something. Another tear slips down your face, followed by another and another until you are sobbing into your pillow. When your eyes have run dry, and you have decided not to tell Lou about the whole crying thing, you lie your head down onto your soaked pillow and fall asleep.

   That is how you find yourself being woken up 3 hours later. You can hear music playing softly downstairs but you can’t remember leaving any music on. You suddenly become conscious of arms wrapped around your waist. You turn around and see Louis smiling down at you. “Good morning beautiful.” He whispers to you. “Happy anniversary.”

  “Good morning babe.” You whisper back, still not completely over the fact that he hasn’t spoken to you in about a week. You look into his eyes and he sees you’ve been crying.

“Oh baby who made you cry? I’m going to kick their arse all the way to china for making you cry.” At that you stifle a giggle.

  “Well you’re going to have fun kicking your own arse to china, aren’t you?” Your little giggle comes out. 

  “HOLD UP.  I made you cry baby? I am so sorry. What did I do?  Is it cause I didn’t tell you I was coming?” You sigh. Guess the whole not telling Lou thing kinda went out the window.

   “Sorta.” You confess. “I guess I just really missed you.” You hug him tight. “Speaking of which, aren’t you meant to be on tour?”

   Lou grins at you.  “Yeap. Key word though MEANT. I only told Haz and Paul where I was going. Haz caught me sneaking out of the hotel last night cause him and I share a room and he convinced me to tell Paul. I’m only allowed to stay for the weekend cause we have another show on Tuesday and we need to fly back Monday.”

   You frown. That means only today and tomorrow. Then you won’t see him again for 1 whole month. Louis clicked his fingers in your face seeking an answer to a question you hadn’t heard. “Tiffany. Helloooo earth to Tiffany.”

  You look up at Lou and giggle. “Sorry babe I was thinking. What did you say?”

“I said I spoke to Paul and Uncle Si, you’re coming on the rest of the tour with us!” Lou starts of quiet but by the end of it he is yelling with excitement. You’re in shock. Touring with the boys? Wow. “Unless you don’t want to, then that’s cool to.” Lou quickly adds in, misreading your expression.

“Are you serious? I’m coming on tour with you for a whole month? Traveling around the U.S.A?” You ask Lou.

  “Well, ermm, only if you want to?” Lou told you but it came out sounding more like a question.

  “OH MY CARROTS!” you jump up and start yelling. “Yayayayayayayaya!”

Louis laughs at you and takes you in his arms. “I take it you want to come?”

You smile up at Lou. “Of course baby. We are going to have so much fun!” You give him your best cheeky smile. Then an idea starts to form. An idea to make this the best overseas trip ever!

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