At the beach (Harry #1)

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I havent had any requests? Do people not like these? If you have any sugestions please comment. So I know I said I was putting these on hold, but this is an imagine I wrote a while ago, and since I havent had any requests Im posting this one. I have a few more of these, but id rather make a personal one, So feel free to request xx


Imagine lying on the beach sunbaking with your boyfriend Harry. You rub in sunscreen all over his back. Your hands linger at his shoulders and waist. He is so perfect. He turns around smiling.

   “Wishing you were me?” he asked teasingly. You blush.

   “I was just thinking how perfect you are.” You smile at him and he kisses you. It’s not like other kisses you’ve had. It’s more passionate, more intense. You find yourself gasping for breath.

   He smiles and his kisses last longer. He bends over you and you lie back against the soft sand. His lips are just centimetres away and he bends closer and his lips brush gently against yours, giving you butterflies.

  You begin to move in a rhythm and you get caught in the moment. You hear a cough and look up. There is a bald man standing a few feet away looking uncomfortable.

  “Yes?” you ask him impatiently wanting to get back to Harry.

“Well err, the families on the beach and I would appreciate it if you could continue that in your home, rather than on the beach?” he smiles nervously, and you remember the other people on the beach.

  You apologize and he walks off. Harry pouts at you. "I didnt want to stop." You peck his lips and his arm snakes around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer.

 "Neither did I babe." You whisper to him. He smiles cheekily.

 "Then what are we waiting for?"

"Harry, we just got in trouble and besides......." Harry cuts you off.

"Not here. Come back to my place?" He smirks and checks you out. You smile and bit your lip, trying to look sexy.

"Kay. Lets go." You stand up and shake the sand off your hips, then strut off, shaking your a** whilst trying to turn Harry on. You hear a wolf-whistle from behind you.

 You turn around and Harry is checking you out again. You giggle and blush. He comes up and grabs your hand.

"Lets go babe."

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