Something So Simple

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     "Saved the best for last?"

     He sat down beside Daya, tempted to brush a stray hair that had fallen between her eyes, but decided against it. Its persistance bothered him. Every second it threatened to inch towards her eyes and mouth, but with twitching fingers, Leon kept his resolve.

     "There's a reason last was invented you know.." She bit back at him.

     "And what's that?"

     "Losers like you."

     Daya licked her lips, looking rather pleased with herself. She turned her attention to her nails. Picking and frowning at them, she sighed, allowing her pleasantry mask to fade.

     "Austin told me about your offer, Leon."


     "Why do this now?"

     As much as he hated to see her upset, Leon couldn't help but compare her to a lost puppy. And like a lost puppy, he wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and tell her that everything was alright.

But that wasn't the case.

     "If you love something, set it free, right?"

     "I'm not an it."

     He took her hands, "I know, you're so much more, Daya. Getting to know you this past year has been... the best time of my life. But I know that it's been your worst-"

    "You're not the worst thing to ever happen to me!" She bounced with insistance and concern, "Where did you get an idea like that!?"

     "I kinda sorta kidnapped you and took you from everything you know?"

     "Oh, well when you put it like that.. you really do suck, huh?"

     Leon sighed, raising his face to meet her golden eyes. "Y-Yeah. So I guess you'll be leaving soon, then."

     "I... I don't know," Daya retracted her hands, running them through her hair. She peered at him, and in her stillness, pools of honey with cinnamon flecks stared back at him.

     He had always thought her eyes were beautiful, but now in the window's light, they were something more.

     Something to fight for.

     "You don't want to go back with them?"

     "Leon, remember what I said this morning?"

     "That you don't love me? How could I forget that?" Reluctantly, he pulled away from her sight in an effort to stifle his heart's growing tear.

     Daya's palm charged with electricity. Reaching down, she grabbed his dangling wrist.

    "Look at me, love isn't something that you can learn. I understand that now; it's something you feel and chase after and-and stick to until you catch it." Daya's eyes twinkled, "It starts off as a tiny spark yes, but you have to take things slow before it can catch"

  She turned her attention back to her nails, then turned to him.

     "I-I heard you while I was asleep, Leon. Your voice it... it calmed me. Is that odd?" her voice quieted, "Was that the spark?"

     He couldn't help but smirk as relief overtook him. Daya didn't trek through the trials of her consciousness alone, she had him with her.


     A spark..

     "You're doing it again"


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