Nice to See You

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      Daya looked out into the barren grove, grinding her sandals into the fresh soil. The earthy scent filled her with a sense of familiarity, of sureness, as she took it in; all those days in Quishea's gardens with her parents filled her chest. But now wasn't the time to dwell on the past.

     This was her future.

     "So, are there any other ways out?" Daya turned to the small team tailing her.

     A woman with tan skin stepped forward, "There's two: one behind the stage, and another by the vendor's area."

      "Thank you. I'm sorry I never asked you all before, but, what may I call each of you?"

      They all turned to her with wide eyes and cocked heads. Every member mirrored another in their surprise, for in all their training, never had they been prepared for such a question.

     The woman from earlier took the floor, her almost black eyes sparkling in the sun, "I'm Rosetta, well, Lutinet Colenal May formally."

     "Nice to meet you, Lutinet Colenal." Daya began to offer her her hand, but withdrew it, "I-I'm not sure about what would be the proper procedure here, but, do we shake hands, or-"

     "We nod."

      Daya smiled, and mirrored Rosetta as she bobbed her head. She combed over the rest of the team, and took particular notice of a blonde man lingering in the back, his arms crossed.

     "And who are you sir?" She appeared at his side in an effort to subdue him.

      "Captain Cole Quincy." He rolled his eyes and checked his watch, "We're going to be late if we keep sitting around like this."

      "That's the plan, Captain."

     "Don't mind him," Lutinet May positioned herself between them, "Come on, guys, look alive! We've got our future queen here, so we might as well show her a good time while she's here."

      Future queen, now that was a job title. Daya's thoughts traveled back to Leon, and sighed as her mind took the same road it had paced up and down since last month. What was he up to?

     She giggled at the thought of him swaying and moping about, sleeping lazily in his own drool. Daya had to admit it; he was a cute drunk.

     She hardened her jaw and pushed the rose colored day dreams away, now wasn't the time. She tapped her wrist and took a deep breath as skin collided with skin, then squinted at her finger.


     Daya closed her eyes and tilted her head back; at least the makeup was intact.

     "Fine, fine." A pale woman with midnight hair stepped towards her and nodded, "Private Monica Pansy!"

     Daya nodded back, "Hi Private Pansy."

     "Behind me is my socially awkward brother, Tanner
He's a Major, but he's shooting for Lutinet May's job."

    She let her head bob as Monica pushed her brother towards her. As he nodded back, Daya noted the similarity between the siblings. Tanner, even down to his nose, was almost a spitting image of his sister. Their eyes were the only diverging path between the genetic mirror; Tanner's blue to brown hazels changed in the sun, meanwhile Monica's persistant turquoises existed in a constant flow.

     "Are you guys twins?" Daya cupped her chin.

      "Paternal if you couldn't tell... He's just been in the business longer." Monica gestured to the rest of the group, "Bring it in lame-o's"

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