Chapter 9

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At cafe

Yeri POV

"Hi ma'am, what would you like to have?"

"I would like to have black coffee and a club sandwich" .

"Anything else , ma'am?"

'Hmmm... should I order something for Jungkook ? But then i dont know what he would like to have . I will let him ord3r for himself .'
" no that's it's " i confirm and make the payment .

Let me take a seat near the full length glass window in corner . I dont want us both to be seen together again.
" Here's your order ma'am "
"Thank you"

I wonder why he planned to meet me, we could have just discussed this over phone.

A tall guy enters the cafe making his way to me . It's him.
"Hi jungkook "
"Hi are you doing?"He says with a and pulls a chair to sit.

" Am good .how about you ?" He seems fine even though he recived a stalkers message .
The cafe helper places 3 lattes on our ya and I give a look to Jungkook.

Does he plan to drink all of it alone, I better stay away from him . Am not paid so well to treat him huge 3 people worth meals .

"I want you to meet someone" he responds back.
"Who?" Is he serious? Did he get his members around. I haven't even informed my members . What should I do if it reached to my members before I tell them ?

"The person who sent us messages "

WHAT...this person address stalker as person .does he treat everyone with such kindness .Maybe stalkers admire his this quality and dont send rude messages .
This is good .i mean everything is sorted and I dont need to inform or worry unnies.
Hey wait a sec ..he found who the stalkers are god he is awesome ..he can beat Sherlock ...he found the stalker in matter of few hours . I better learn this skills from him and invited them .maybe be will persuade them not to stalk .

" wow Jungkook are awesome you found the stalkers so fast  and invite them too...u are so kind ."

Yugyeom POV

" wow Jungkook are awesome you found the stalkers so fast  and invite them too...u are so kind ."

Jungkook looks shocked but smiles at her thoughts.
We stand in our spots as we hear Yeri say these words. Did Jungkook not inform her about us being the pranksters.

"Dude , she is so naive . Rather than being worried about meeting stalker she rather seems happy" I whisper to Bambam.

"can you teach me how to catch stalker too?"
"Y are u going to harm them " Jungkook seems to enjoy this conversation.
"no I want to learn how to stalk people from them"

Is she for real? Learn to catch stalker ? Then learn to stalk ?

"that would be fun stalk people isn't it ?" Bambam says attracting the 3 people attention.

"ahh..hi bambam ..hi yugyeom sunbae" yeri greets us.

Did she call me sunbae? And address Bambam with name .

"are you friends with bambam ?" Jungkook questions

"not exactly. But exchange greetings during music show and I kind of find him friendly"

"thanks. I assume that we are friends now" Bambam says as he extends hand to seal his friendship with her .
" Yes" Yeri extends her hands confirming theirnew found friendship.

"Yugyeom, are you gonna just be lost in your own thoughts?" Jungook asks me.

"No , Hi Yeri.  Sorry that I was just lost in some thoughts."
" No sunbaenim it's fine "
Bambam and Jungkook smirk at me for being called sunbaenim.
" Can you stop call me sunbaenim.  You can call me Yugyeom"

"Ok" she nods.

We makes stare at each other as Yeri sips on her coffee. We are each eyeing each other as to who will tell her the truth .

" Yeri as we are friends now .I want to tell you something and I hope you wont get mad at us." Bambam starts the conversation.
" That's something to think about . I simply can't say ok. "

She is scary. I give a worried look to Jungkook to which he responds with a bear-the-consequence look.

Bambam use the friendship card well.All hopes are on you.

"I agree. You see Yeri actually .we are the one who sent those messages and we are sorry "
"yeah , Yerissi we are sorry . It was just a prank and we didnt think much until JB hyung told us too" I say so that she gets convinced .

"'s fine issues ."
Wow. Matter resolved. We can inform JB that matters is resolved.
"are you sure you are fine ? U seem upset ?" Jungkook says.

Does he want her to scream on us. yay..jeon boy I will deal with you soon.

"Ahh...that's coz I tot I would be meeting a stalker and having coffee with him " she really is mad .

Bambam and Jungkook have a hearty laugh.
Am I the only one tho thinks she is weird. And what with both of these guys ... why do they find her interesting?


Guys sorry for late updates.

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