Part 33

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horanatorrfanfics. I will be following my first 100 followers :)

Photos of all the children from this fanfic will be up once I get my first 10 followers. I own none of the photos.

Emma' POV:

Seth is now 9 months old and as each day comes I still believe he is Liam' child. I know its wrong but I haven't had the guts to tell Dan or Liam. Seth laid on his stomach on his play mat screeching and smiling. I smiled down at him with Amelia on my knee. Today is the day I will tell Liam.

"Dan?" I called placing Amelia on the floor. "I'm going to take the kids to go see Amy" I smiled at him whilst he was sat on his laptop doing work. He nodded giving me a kiss. I got the double pram from the closet and decided to walk. I put Seth in the 'Little Bro' side and Amelia in the 'Big Sis' side.

"Bye" I called which caused Amelia to shout

"Bye daddy" to Dan, a grin apeared on his face and my eyes widened

"Melia thats Dan, not daddy" I smiled and she furrowed her eyebrows. I pushed the pram out of the door and walked towards Liam' house first. I sighed looking down at Melia and Seth thinking how he is going to take the news about Seth. I knocked on the door and tapped my fingers on top of the pram waiting for him to answer. After a few mintues the door opened to Liam, he was wearing grey trackie bottoms and was topless with messy hair.

"Who is it babe?" I heard somebody call from in the house.

"Daddy" Amelia clapped her hands and Liam smiled down at her. The woman I heard call from the house appeared behind Liam in his shirt and her hair also a mess.

"I erm. I'll come back later" I smiled feeling slightly jealous. Why did I feel Jealous I had Dan at home?

"Come in. Let the kids play" He smiled and I looked down at them and Amelia stared back to me smiling. I nodded pushing the pram through the door. I unclipped the kids from the pram, Amelia jumped out running to the sofa and I placed Seth on my hip.

Liam sat on one sofa with who I now recognised as Summer' dance teacher, Jennifer. His arm slumpt over her shoulder. I sat on the single chair watching my two kids play with the awkward tention between me, Liam and Jen. Amelia sat on the floor next to Seth who she was 'reading' a story to.

"Did you need anything when you came over?" Liam asked looking towards to me.

"I just wanted to tell you something" I smiled down at Amelia and Seth, moving some of Seth' brown hair from his forehead

"hmm? What was that?" He asked shifting in his seat.

"It's private" I smiled amd he nodded.

"We'll go in the kitchen" Liam pointed and we stood up

"I'll go get ready then I'll be off" Jen smiled giving Liam a kiss, he smiled and she trotted off.

"What was it?" Liam asked when the coast was clear.

"Erm Seth" I stopped and looked away from Liam towards the two children in the living room. I gulped thinking about everything thats happened.

"Remember when we erm. Two weeks before I got engaged to Dan?" I started playing with my fingers

"Yeah. wait. No. Is he mine?" Liam' eyes suddenly got wide

"I think. It makes sense, he was 2 weeks early from mine and Dan' engagement that means there is a possiblity" I shrugged and Liam ran a hand through his short hair. The front door slammed. She couldn't have heard could she?

"Erm, get a DNA test on him" Liam pointed to Seth. "He can't be mine. We aren't even together. It was a stupid mistake" he sighed. Out of no where I felt my blood boil.

"A mistake. I'm pretty sure it wasn't classed as a mistake when you was getting some. You are such a jerk. Lets hope he isn't yours. Dan' a better father than you ever will be" I shouted. I saw Liam' eyes start tearing up. I stormed off into the room putting the kids backbin the pram and walking to Amy'.

Amys POV:

"Shhh baby" I rocked Riley in my arms trying to get him back to sleep. The door bell rang downstairs and I heard the door open an close. I kept rocking Riley and walked down stairs seeing Emma, Seth and Amelia, Emma nearly crying

"Ey, whats up, Em?" I asked walking over to her.

"I told Liam. Then called him a rubbish dad" Tears started falling from her face. Niall took Seth and Melia from their pram and took them upstairs to play with him. I sat on the sofa and Emma explained everything.


Its now 12 and me and Niall were on our way to the hospital. Niall parents flew from Ireland and offered to look after the babies whilst we went. We walked through the oh so familiar hospital to the room where our little baby girl was resting

"Mr and Mrs Horan. Now you are here we will turn off Scarletts oxygen" We nodded and he ran us through a few things. Nialls hand wrapped in mine and we waited for Scarlett to take her first breath on her own. Once he chested started moving up and down indicating she was doing it, our daughter was breathing on her own. Tears of happiness ran down both mine and Nialls face.

"Would you like you hold her?" The male nurse asked. I nodded and today the 1st December I held my youngest daughter for the first time. I smiled as her tiny little hands latched onto my finger. She opened her eyes which now had colour. I looked into her brown eyes, identical to mine and whispered the song I always sang to the quads before they were born.

"I see you on the blue skies
I need a little sunshine
I fill into your brown eyes
Told you I was your light
No, I don't wanna talk about it
I don't wanna listen all that much
Is it falling apart! 
I don't wanna talk about it
I just wanna hold your hand"

Tears slipt down my as I smiled and my now on the mend baby.

"If she keeps fighting like this she will be home in the next 3 days" The nurse smiled. A huge grin took over my face knowing she will finally be where she belongs at home with the family.

"I can't wait for you to meet everyone" Niall smiled down rubbing his finger over her head. "She looks so much like you, A" Niall smiled. I smiled and kissed her head. I never wanted to leave but I knew I had to let her get rest and go home to her siblings.
Remember if you want a story line message me who you want it of and I will give you one because I have loads of dofferent ones (Mostly 1D, 5SOS and the Janoskians) which I probs wont use.

Also. do you want Liam to be Seth' dad or Dan?????


Twitter: @5SecxndsOf1D
Instagram; Fan: amylouisee1997
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Fanfic: horanatorrfanfics (following first 100)
Snapchat: amylouisee1997

Thank You
Amy x

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