Part 42

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*3 Months later* (Quads are now 7 months)

Amys POV:

I woke up to the most annoying noise again, the alarm clock. I groaned pressing snooze and snuggling back into my pillow.

"Babe, we need to get up" I felt Nialls lips attach to my cheek.

"No. Not yet" I groaned pulling the quilt over my head but it was removed seconds later. I groaned once again tiredly rubbing my eyes and climbing out of bed.


"Ivan, ger ready for school" I called Ivan for the 10 th time this morning

"No. I'm not going today" He moaned. I walked into the living room to see all the kids (minus the quads) half asleep in their school uniforms, Mason in his blazer and purple tie, the twins in matching uniforms, shirts and the blue school jumper and Cormac the same but in trousers.

"Ivan. Get ready now or I will take your xbox off you" He groaned throwing the tv remote onto the sofa and storming off upstairs and later coming down in a pair of black school trousers, a white shirt, his red tie and a grey jumper her decided to wear.

"If you get that jumper taken off you don't come moaning to me or your dad" I huffed getting Mason's and Ivan's dinner money and making the rest of the dinners. Next was the school run, I took the kids to school whilst Niall looked after the quads. The last was Ivan as he started later than the rest.

"I can walk my self. erghh" Ivan complained as we walked through the school gates

"No because I have been called into another meeting" I sighed walking behind him.

"Look at baby Ivan getting walked to school by his mummy" A boy from the far corner laughed coursing his group of friends to laugh.

"What the fuck did you say? Do you want me to kill you?" Ivan turned, face red and fists balled.

"Ivan. No. Keep walking" I lightly pushed his shoulder and he kept walking.

"Ahh Mrs Horan" The head teacher Mr Lean smiled shaking my hand. I smiled and follwed him into his office waving bye to Ivan as he walked off to class.


I walked through the door quietly as the quads might be sleeping when I stoppes in my tracks.

"How you feeling about this tour then?" I heard Liams voice echo.

"I'm ready for it. I'm not sure how the kids are going to take it. Or Amy, the quads aren't even 1 yet" I heard Niall sigh.

"You still haven't told her? You've known for ages. You best tell her before somebody else does" Louis questioned. I shut the door, louder than normal and one of the kids started crying, which came from thr room. We talked about tour a week ago and he said there would be no tour until the quads are older and sll that time he knew he was going away again? It was one of those days and I was not in the mood. I walked into the living room picking up Issac and stepped over the lads feet walking upstairs.

The downstairs door opened and slammed shut then I heard feet running upstairs. Well it couldn't be the quads so the only other person it could be is Niall. ergh. The door creaked open and he appeared smiling.

"Whats up?" He sat down beside my looking down at Issac. "Was Ivan giving you trouble when you dropped him off?" He rubbed my back

"How long have you known?" I whispered trying to keep my tears in looking down at Issac so Niall couldn't see me

"Known what?" He asked like he had no clue

"Don't play this game with me Niall. How long have you known you are leaving again?" My voice cracked. I felt him stiffen up and his hand was removed from my back and met with his other.

"Just before Christmas" He sighed

"We had this conversation last week and you said you wasn't going away again for a while" I let the tears fall from my eyes

"Its been ages since we went on tour. This might even be our last one" He ran a hand through his hair

"and that gives you a good explination to lie to me? Are you being for real? What, did you think it would be the best for us? Just go away" I wiped the tears away picking Issac up and lying down on the bed with him.

"Don't act like this babe. Come on it's not going to be going on for that long"

"Don't babe me Niall, what happened to not keeping secrets? Come back when you actually can tell your wife things. I pulled the quilt over me and Issac as I watched him drift off to sleep until Niall slammed the door and scared him which coursed him to start crying again.


Comment please.

Crappy but I thought Id give you a filler :)

I want Calum Hood to be my boyfriend. Ok. Thanks. Bye.

Thank you to my amazin readers for sticking with this fanfic through 16&Pregnant and now part 42 on the sequel.



Amy x

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