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Sorry this isn't a update. Please read the authors note.

1) I have a whole new fanfic idea for my second fanfic after this and I would love it if you could maybe make me a cover and I'll use my favorite?

Its called..... "Friends with Benefits" yuup it will be more of a smutty fanfiction with some twists. If you would like to make a cover please can you add...

- A photo of Calum Hood.

-A photo of either Ash, Luke or Mikey (You choose and I'll use them as I can't choose who)

-A photo of a girl and a Cal look-a-like hugging or together.

-The title 'Friends with Benefits

-My wattpad 'Horanatorr'

-and send it to either my instagram: horanatorrfanfics or my twitter @5SecxndsOf1D. If you can't send them through that message me for my email :).


I have major writers block and I am also doing work placement 9 till 5 every day this week then every monday and tuesday so updates are really sloooooow.

3) If you have any ideas please comment/message me and I'll most likely use them then give you credit in the chapter I use it in. Once I get an idea for the next chapter I will update :)

4) I have aload of different fanfic plots which I probs will not be using so if you want to write a fanfic and don't have a plot message me who you are writting it about and I'll give you one :)

5) Follow the instagram I made for my fanfics...


Thank You

@5SecxndsOf1D x

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