Part 48

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Alexis' POV:

I walked out of the main enterance of the school with Zoe. She was my best friend and exactly like me, not too quite but would rather get our heads down and work then go to the latest party.

"Is Scarlett having a sleepover tonight?" She asked looking towards me then back to the floor as we walked.

"I don't even care anymore. Her and her friends think they can upset me but it doesn't bother me anymore" I huffed pulling my bag further up my shoulder.

"I'll see you tomorrow for shopping yeah?" Zoe smiled giving me a hug and waved, which I returned. I stood on the corner of the path waiting, I rubbed my hands together trying to warm them up. The famous blue car pulled up in front of me and a grin formed on my face. I opened the door and climbed in.

"Hey babe" Josh smiled. I smiled back pulling him into a kiss before he drove off towards his house. We had conversations, the usual, how was school? Did you have fun? What are you doing tomorrow? Fancy telling your mum you are staying at Zoe's and stay at mine?

"I can't Josh. I have so much homework" I huffed, I never got to spend time with him, mostly because if mum and dad found out I was dating a nineteen year old they would probably kill me then kill him.

"I hardly ever get to see you. All you do is your homework" He rolled his eyes turning down a street

"Well you don't get to see me because you don't want to get killed by my parents" I played with my fingers, a habit I had when I was getting annoyed.

"All you do is homework. God man, stop being a nerd and live a little" We pulled up at his house.

"Just because I don't want to be a failure in life like you doesn't mean I'm a merd. thanks Josh" My eyes filled up. He ran a hand through his hair and tried grabbing my arm but I shrugged him off walking home.

"Lexi. I'm sorry, please" He called but I shook my head and carried on.

Once I reached home I ran to my room changing into a pair of jogging bottoms and a band t shirt. Zoe was right, Scarlett had her friends around including Chad, how was that fair? I had to keep my relationship a secret whilst she could do whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. Thats if I am still in a relationship. There was a knock on my door and walked in Brogan with Maya in her arms. I smiled wiping the mascara stains with my arm.

"Whats up little sis?" She smiled sitting down on my bed.

"Just an argument with a friend. I'm fine" I lied giving her a fake smile

"You know I'm always going to be here" I nodded and she smiled.

"He's stupid you know for not helping you with Maya. She's beautiful" I referred to Mayas dad who didn't want any contact with Brogan or Maya. She is just under two months old and the most well behaved baby I know

Once Brogan left my room I walked downstairs to see Scar and Chad cuddled up on the sofa. ergh. I walked towards the kitchen my dad infront of me.

"WOW. Your dad is fit" One of the girls spoke. I screwed my face up in disgusting and heard him laugh.

"Put a top on and you won't get remarks like that" I smiled grabbing a packet of crisps.

"That is disgusting. My dad is not fit, he is old" Scarlett gagged making dad tutt.

"I am not old" he walked into the room an apple core in her hand and pointing to Scar. He walked back in the kitchen throwing his apple core in the bin and resting his hands in mums hips

"I rekon we should get an early night" He winked. I froze in my spot

"oh my god. No. That is disgusting" I shivered and the both walked off upstairs making me feel sick.

I laid in bed wrapped in my quilt licking through the tv channels when my phone vibrated.

"Come outside please? X" It read I huffed looking at the time; midnight. I sneaked out of my room amd downstairs quietly opening the door amd shutting it before I walked down the pathway.

"I am really sorry" He sighed standing in front of me. I nodded and he pulled one red rose from behing his back. I bit my lip and puled him forward so our lips moulded together before I pulled him into the house and upstairsvto my room. I laid on my bed, Josh hovering over my body.

"I'm sorry for calling you a failure. You aren't one" I smiled

"I am though. I still live with my parents" He sighed but soon rejoined our lips.

Rileys POV:

'Is everyone asleep down there? X'I text getting a simple 'yeah x' back. I grinned walking downstairs to be met with Lauren.

"Its been so hard not to do this all night" I whispered kissing her lips "It'll be better upstairs" I grabbed her hand taking her to my room

"Anything is better with you there" She grinned. I sat on my bed pulling her on top of me. We have actually been secretly dating for 4 months, this is the second time we have taken things this far. The first time when we were at the party at this all started.

Scarletts POV:

I woke up to Chad playing with my hair. I looked around to see everyone awake, Megan, Louise, Jen and Fran sat laughing and joking. Lauren sat on the sofa looking at her phone and already dressed.

"Did you even pack that t-shirt yesterday? Riley has one like that" I laugh.

"Yeah its mine" She smiled looking back down at her phone.

"You look nice" she said 'thanks' and carried on tapping away on her phone. She wore a white button down shirt which was tucked into a pair of high waisted shorts.

Laurens POV:

"I think Scar suspects something" I mumbled to Riley as well all sat in the back garden, some in the pool and some sun bathing

"Why?" He looked at me then back at the floor

"She was questionin me about your shirt" I looked down at the shirt and laughed

"I don't care if she find out anymore" He shrugged and I let a big grin form on my face. I got up and walked over to Fran and Megan who were sat talking. I kept glancing over at Riley who was now talking to Alexis.

Alexis' POV:

"I know something is going on between you two" I laughed looking at Lauren then back to Riley.

"Uh? What?" He asked playing dumb, he was a rubbish lier.

"Oh Lauren. Fuck yeah. Thats what" I laughed

"Shit" He mumbled running a hand through his hair "Don't tell Scar. And who was that guy at the gates last night?" He smirked.

"Who?" Now it was my turn to play dumb.

"Josh. Yeah Josh right there" He laughed "You're lucky mum and dads room is at the other side of the house otherwise they wouldn't be happy you are seeing Josh again" He looked in the kitchen to see dad sucking mums face off.

"Please don't tell them" I looked at mum and dad then looking at the floor

"I won't but you got to before they find out" He patted my shoulder walking to Issac and Chad.

I sighed walking into the kitchen grabbing my things and leaving to go shopping with Zoe.


Comment Please :)

I had to delete it and re put it up because half of it had deleted and I had to rewrite it.


Amy x

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