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(Please do listen to these songs as you go through, and I recommend Resident Evil Main Title Theme for the hallway!!)

Hero - Skillet

Bring me to life - Evanescence.

Resident Evil Main Title Theme - Marilyn Manson.

This is Halloween - Marilyn Manson

Maths. Oh the joys, not only am I with all the smart, bitchy kids, I'm in the advanced class. Mostly because I have no friends so I do my homework, but ya'know.

"Take a seat class, don't sit next to anyone whom you will not succeed with." Mr. Cross orders. I look around the class and my eyes meet a boys, he has blonde hair and amazing green eyes. His face lights up with a smile and I give a sly one back, he focuses back on his work and I make my way towards the back of the room. I'm about to sit down when a voice calls me, "Pssst!" I look to my right and the boy is looking at me, he waves me over and I sigh. I walk over to him. "Yes?" I ask. "You can sit here if you want?" He offers pointing to the desk beside him. "Nah, it okay I'm just gonna..."

"- Alright class! Where you are now is where you will sit for the term! Enjoy it!" Mr. Cross yells. You've gotta be kidding me. I sigh and sit down at the desk and get out my note book, "I'm Michael by the way," Blondie tells me. "Jessie," I reply. He nods and turns to his notebook again, writing down the notes on the board.

After an hour of Mr. Cross lecturing us about how data is important and it should not be underestimated, he finally let's us out of the class. Michael barely talked to me and I did the same to him, so I can tell he's very motivated and I like that. I wouldn't want to sit next to someone who doesn't shut the fuck up, honestly.

"Hey, Jess!" Ashton calls to me as I walk down the hall. I turn and smile, "Hi," I reply and he wraps his arm around my shoulder, walking beside me. "Whatcha doing?" He asks while his eyes search the hall. "Nothing, why are you looking a round?" I ask him following his gaze. He blushes a deep red and shakes his head, "Nothing! Oh-Um, yeah okay I'll see you later!" He says and rushes off. Confusion takes over, but I push it away and walk the rest of the way to my locker. I gather my books and laptop for the next period, and check my watch. I have exactly two minutes to get to class. I walk down the hall and towards the darker part of the school, which if you walk down you'll get to a long hallway (which I where all the bad people hang out), then you get to the outside world and there are the science buildings. I've had enough bad run-ins down here to know I hate it, hubby I have to get to class. I push the panic aside and walk down, and the lights get darker as the paint becomes more scratchy and the noise drains out. I shiver as I pass a couple of twelfth graders smoking and they glare at me, "What you looking at?" One hisses. I gulp and continue down the dark and scary as shit hall. "I know right! They totally fuckin' bought it aye, stupid fuckin' - oh shit!" A boy yells as he backs out of a hallway backwards, and runs right into me. My books fall to the floor and his eyes meet mine, the shadows casting a toned feature to his face. He has dark brown eyes and hair with blonde streaks, a lip piercing and he's wearing black clothes. He's well built and is scowling at me, "What the hell were you doing?" He hisses. His friends behind him smirk and I roll my eyes. Of course of all people I had to run into the frekin' angry ones. "What do you mean? Who the hell walks out of a classroom backwards?" I shoot back. He squints his eyes and steps towards me, "Who the hell do you think you are?" He asks and his nostrils flare. "Who do you think you are, asshole?" I argue. He clenches his jaw and waves at his friends who walk away scoffing. "I'm Calum Hood, and you are?" He asks and his eyes soften. I blink a couple times but answer, "Jessie White." He smirks slightly and bends down, picking up my books and handing them to me. "Sorry about being rude earlier, they always want a show." He chuckles. "Don't they all," I sigh. Calum chuckles again. "What class do you have?" He asks. "Science," I answer. "Me too!" He smirks. I grin, "Wanna walk with me? The bell already went." I point out. He nods and we take the two minute walk towards the science labs.

"Are you serious?" Calum scoffs. I shake my head, blushing slightly. "You've never dated anyone, ever?" He asks. I nod again and he laughs beside me. "Don't laugh at me just cause I don't have a relationship and you do! She's very unlucky!" I pout. His jaw drops and he puts his hand on his heart, acting offended. "You're so mean!" He cries. I shrug and he scoffs beside me, "Be that way bitch." He says doing the classic 'white girl' pout. "You look constipated." I whisper. Calum starts laughing really loud causing all heads to turn in his direction, while he just flicks them off.

Well then.

"At least I'm in a relation ship!" He says and clicks. "Oh, no you didn't." I growl. He pouts again, "I did, gurllll, I did!" I clench my fists, "I will seriously kill you." He shrugs, "No you won't, I'm too beautiful!" He counters. I roll my eyes, "Is that what your girlfriend tells you?" He chuckles looking up at me from his lashes, "Boyfriend." I pull my eyebrows together, "What?" I ask. "Boyfriend. I'm gay." Calum chuckles.




I have a crap load of how,work, but I can't be studded doing it and I'll get yelled at, but I owe you guys an update! So it's your fault -.-

Thanks for reading!



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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