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I walked into school on Wednesday feeling... Alone. Like always, obviously. I sighed walking to my locker, I played with my lock and it finally opened, only for it to be locked again by someone with bright red nail polish.

Here we go.

"Hey, loser!" Eliza laughed as she shoved me into my lockers. My shoulder hit it and I instantly hissed in pain. Eliza pouts her red lips and bats her eyelashes, "Oh, sorry! Did I hurt you, emo?" She chuckles. Her three minions laugh hysterically behind her and I scowl, but don't say anything. I've learned that it's better not to say anything to them, it only makes it worse. But having no self confidence, I just take the criticism. Who cares anyway, no ones going to save me, I'm all alone. "Looking a bit trashy today, all you wear is black.. Maybe you should just stay at home so no one has to see you?" Eliza smiles.

Or maybe you should get the fuck over it, I add silently in my head.

Eliza. Takes a step towards me so she's face to face with me, "Or maybe you should just die so no one has to see you, ever." She whispers. I step back and lower my head, her friends laugh behind her and I can feel eyes on me and I can hear more laughter. This is an everyday routine, go to school, get pushed into lockers, get called names, get told to die, learn some shit, go home, repeat.

"Hey Jessie!" A voice calls. I lift my head up slightly to see Ashton's goody smile and tall frame, and I sighing relief. "Hi Ashton," I silently mutter as he stands next to me. Eliza coughs and Ashton turns his attention to her, "Hi!" He exclaims. One thing I've learned about Ashton is that he is very loud... "Hi, I'm Eliza." Eliza says batting her lashes at him.


"Let's go," I whisper to Ashton and he nods. "Bye! Nice meeting you!" He shouts as we walk in the other direction.

Eliza's gonna kill me.


"So you have no plans, whatsoever?" I ask Ashton disbelief. Were sitting at a lunch table in the canteen and he's mentioned he has no plans for the future. "Well, I'm in a band so were gonna be famous." He shrugs as he bites into his sandwich. "You're in a band?" I question. "Yeah, me and my friends, Calum, Michael, and Lu-"

"Hey Ash," a familiar voice says as a lunch tray slides down next to mine. Luke sits down next to me and Ashton and himself do some weird fist bump thing. "Luke." I finish for Ashton. He nods, and I do recall Luke saying something about a band. "Yes, princess?" Luke asks. I roll my eyes, "Nothing." I'm still embarrassed about yesterday afternoon, I mean I ran away from him when he was simply trying to help. He wouldn't have been doing anything else.

"You kinda left me yesterday?" Luke asks. I blush and look down, "I had homework and chores." I lie. Luke nods but doesn't look convinced, and Ashton looks between us both. "I like vegemite." Ashton speaks up. Luke instantly joins into the conversation and soon they're both arguing over which is better, Nutella or Vegemite?

"Vegemite wins." I interrupt. Luke looks at me in disbelief and Ashton looks proud, "That's my girl!" Ashton cheers. Luke looks to me and smirks,

"No, she's mine."

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