"Donut Poem" by Summer Cheng

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      " Donut Poem"

       by Summer Cheng

      I think the donut,

     is one odd thing,

    as it has a funny name,

    which could drive some people isane.

   The donut,

   can be large,

   or it can be small,

    it can have frosting on it,

    or none at all.

   The donut,

    can be filled,

   with fruit,

   or creme,

   or it can be plain,

    as  ever,

   with very little flavor,

    you can savor.

   The donut,

   can have sprinkles,


    or more,

    when you buy,

    one from the donut store.

   The donut,

    has a hole,

    in the middle of it,

    which makes you wonder,

     why in the thunder,

     it misses a piece,

    from the very center!

   The donut,

    does not even come,

    with nuts,

    with makes you think,


    how on earth,

   did it get it's  name?

   I often wonder,

   why does the donut,

    have the name,

    it has?

     It really makes no sense,

    sure it is a tasty treat,

    that is so  sweet,

     to eat,

   rather in your seat,

   or  in the car,

    as you travel so far!

    The donut,

     has been around,

     for so long,

     it kinda makes you want to sing a song,

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