" Our Purpose?" by Summer Cheng

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      "Our Purpose?"  by Summer Cheng

          Our purpose in life,

          is to serve God,

         in all we say,

      and do!


    God created all things,

   he even created me,

and  you,

 He  loves everyone,

 he gave his life,

 on Calvary,

for us all!

He was buried in a borrowed tomb,

 he rose again on Easter Sunday,

and now he prepares a place,

in heaven for those,

who have put their faith,

and trust in him as their personal Savior,

 Lord, and Messiah!

Our purpose,

is to love God,

with all our heart,

soul, and mind,

and to share his love,

with others,

around us in the world,


We are created with a purpose,

we are humans,

we are not a mistake,

we are not animals:

we are not worthless,

we are not purposeless,

but purposeful!

We  are important,

to him,

 We are special,

we are young,

and old,

short, and tall,

male, and female,

and we are alive!

We are all full,

of  red blood,

that runs through our veins,

we are one blood,

we are one people,

of many languages,

tribes and nations:

We are all humans!

We are not evolved,

We are not here by chance,

 time, and circumstance,

  We are not primates,

  We are not better than anyone else,

Some Poems that Come from the Heart by SummerCheng37Where stories live. Discover now