"Two Types of Pollen?" by Summer Cheng

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     "Two Types of  Pollen"

      by  Summer Cheng


     There are two types of pollen,

     one is the  kind inside of flowers,

      in the grass, and on the trees,

    that makes you sneeze!

   The other is the kwami,

  pollen who turns,

  Queen Bee,

into her hero self,

  though she still needs:

   to work on being nicer,

  to Sabrina,

 and many others,

around her,

as you can see!

  So, as I say once,

  twice, or maybe,

 even thrice:

 There are two types of pollen!

 The one is bad for your health,

  the other can be helpful,

  if you can call it that

since she helps,

  a person,

assist Ladybug, Chat Noir,

 Rena Rougue and Carapace,

from time to time,

though I would not count your dime,

 despite this little rhyme:  

that she will be less,

of an annoyance

any time soon!

Both types of pollen,

are around,

one is real,

the other fictional,

the one we wish we could  do without,

 and the other we long to give her a shout:

 for all the mess she puts,

up with,

when it comes to Chloe

and her constant,


 The one pollen,

 is just part,

of the process,

  of life,

for the grass, the flowers,

and the trees

 even though it makes,

you cough and sneeze!


The other is part,

  of  the fandom,

  thanks to Thomas Atrsuc,

 Jeremy Zag,

and their crew,

for what they brought to the television,

screen for me and you!


Some Poems that Come from the Heart by SummerCheng37Where stories live. Discover now