Recovered lost memory- the silent knight

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Authors Note: This is brief chapter in regards to Link's memory from one hundred years prior. Don't fret, the next chapter is rather large and more to what you are used to. Also, Chapter three will resume after these two memory chapters are posted. This will also be the formula going forward in regards to past events prior to the current story. Thanks and Enjoy


Recovered lost Memory - The Silent Knight

Sven got a good hit on me, the first ever actually. It was hard to believe, yet I couldn't stay focused for longer than a minute at a time. What was happening to me? What was so distracting that I couldn't even fend off Sven in a duel. I mean, it was Sven. He wasn't even classed in the top ten among us in the Royal Guard.

Was she really so captivating to me that she was occupying every free thought of my mind? Oh, but she really was. I couldn't stop thinking about what transpired between us recently. There was no way I would ever be able put into spoken words how I truly felt.

What was crazier still was me, to even entertain these absurd ideas, or to dare believe the hope that she might want anything to do with a commoner like me. It was all nonsense allowing myself to hope for, nor could it ever be allowed to exist. It was forbidden. Besides, she would never have eyes for my sort. It was probably for the best for me to let it all go. I was just her knight, nothing more; a glorified bodyguard.

Still, I felt something. At times, I'd catch glimpses of her staring back to me differently, with those green stormy eyes she has, and I would feel something more. I was probably overthinking things, going mad. Perhaps all the stress of things to come finally caught up to me, sinking into the back of my mind.

Everyone believes me to be this great warrior, come at last to save them. I don't feel special. Sure, I'm quick when I need to be, and better with a sharpened end of a blade than most...but hardly the stuff of legend.

I didn't want to let them all down. They were depending upon us both, with baited breath. Most of all, above anything else, I didn't want to let her down.

I noticed, more and more as of late, the way those around the castle have been treating her. I'd see her frown, and hold back tears from them all, more than I would care to see in a lifetime of me. Could I really be feeling this way about her? Maybe it's because of all the time I've been spending with her lately? That must be it. I just need to focus, clear my mind, and think about the task at hand. At that moment, it was beating Sven and the others in this training yard.

The morning dragged on, and Sven would never let it go that he bested me in a matchup. I had to snap out of it. I felt a snap, alright; the snap of Sven's wooden baton. It cracked over my back, splintering into pieces all over the grassy hill we sparred on. It stung, but not nearly so much as the ache in my chest that yearned for her. I couldn't believe I was actually missing her company.

"Hey! Why didn't you try to dodge?! Are you alright, Link?" Sven called out to me, rushing over to get me off the ground. His strike had landed true enough, and I dropped to one knee at a smack from his phony blade.

"I'm...alright," I said quietly, not caring for his concern. I waved my hand for him to stay back.

He stood there, bushy brows lifted, clearly puzzled as to why I had been missing my cues all morning.

Sven was younger than me by two years, and looked up to me. The boy had lied about his age when he applied for the Royal Guard, getting away with it thanks to his unusually tall height. We joined up together, training under the careful eye of my father. My father, who had been training me for a day when I might take up a Guardsman's solemn oath. It was his proudest day, and he'd directed me toward that goal since the moment I could first remember standing.

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