vii. "ignorant asshole"

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"Give a little, get a lot; that's just how you are with love."

It was about a week after the last encounter between Zayn and Niall. And the blond had started to actually loose a bit of weight over the last few days. He was proud, to say the least. He finally felt a little more comfortable in front of others.

Niall was in school, daydreaming away in his Frenh class. One class he, thank God, did not have with Zayn. Things with Zayn had worsened since last week. Although he had greeted him and, of fucking course, stared at him too many times, Niall felt sad. He was just so sure that what Niall saw in him, was not what Zayn saw in the blond. How could he anyway? Niall was fat, after all. Losing a few pounds didn't change the fact that he was simply nothing in comparison.

He may had admitted that, yes, he liked him a little. But all these feelings he was keeping away, were there for a reason. He did not want them to bubble up. Not when he still didn't feel as if he knew what Zayn was thinking. Besides that, Zayn was unbearable. With everything that he was doing, he was simply an ignorant asshole.

Niall's phone lit up and he took a look under the table quickly. It was a message from Harry, reminding him of the funfair that they were going to on Saturday. Niall was actually really excited about going there, it would be fun again after a too long time of focusing on the negative aspects in his life.

The bell rang and the blond breathed a sigh of relief. He ran out of class to meet with Liam and Harry downstairs at the entry when--

Of course, who else?

--Zayn stood in front of his class room. Niall's heart made a leap and he cursed it for doing that. How could it betray him like that?

Zayn stared right into his eyes and the younger was short for breath. Like the last few times they looked into each others eyes, everything slowed down. The world around him seemed to fade away and Zayn's deep brown eyes looked like chocolate.

The next second, everything was gone again. Niall quickly walked out of sight, still trying to catch his breath.

* * *

Harry, Niall, Liam and Danielle were walking over the funfair on Saturday and although it was freezing cold, the group of teenagers were having a laugh.

Everyone besides Niall bought toffee apples and hot dogs and candy floss. Niall reassured them every single time that he just wasn't hungry. Ever part of him was craving food, but his mind told him if he couldn't control his hunger, how was he supposed to control anything else? Harry looked at him weirdly every time he denied food, but Niall promised that he was fine and that he didn't want to get sick when going on a carrousel. The curly-haired lad gave in eventually after Niall told him to "get off his case".

"How about this one?" Liam threw into the conversation, pointing his finger to a machine that was going up in the air, spinning and turning randomly. Niall felt excitement bubbled up inside him. He always loved the feeling of adrenaline, even though he was scared shitless, because of the height. He grinned. "Fuck, yes." Liam smirked at him while Danielle looked scared, "You guys are going to be the death of me."

All of them got onto it with Danielle chickening out and the round started. Itw as all fun and Niall was screaming out loud when suddenly, Niall's hands were starting to shake. They were starting to loose their grip on the handles. Luckily, he was secured with weight holding him down on his shoulders. Nevertheless, Niall started panicking, what was happening? His head started to feel light and like there were clouds in his head. He couldn't think straight, getting more and more dizzy as seconds passed by. He wasn't even screaming anymore at this point. The movements of the machine were throwing him around in his seat, his limbs were completely numb. He didn't have the strength to even move his hands. His head was banging on the seat over and over again and suddenly -- everything was black.

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