viii. "what song was that?"

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"Give a little, get a lot; that's just how you are with love."

It was the very last day before the official summer holidays. As every single year, a big ceremony with all students and teachers took place in the school hall. It was a tradition for Niall's school that everyone gathered there and was met with kind words from the headmaster. After that different certificates and awards for the best students were distributed. However, before all of that started, a group of people would welcome them with an introduction song. 

The room was buzzing with thrills of anticipation for the summer holidays that were so close. Minutes passed as the room filled with more and more people.

Only, that Niall wasn't one of them. Instead, he was already sitting behind the stage for over an hour. Because, this year it was him who was performing a song in front of everyone. In front of 432 people, to be exact. To say he was nervous, was an understatement in itself. The blond felt like he was going to throw up any second, he was so nervous he was starting to shake. He had never sung in front of anyone before. Ever. Except for when him and the others were rehearsing which already took him so much courage. And they had only been four people then. 

He willed himself to take a deep breath. It was going to be okay. He wasn't alone up there, after all. There was him on the vocals, a girl on the guitar and another on the drums, and a boy on the bass, too. There was really nothing to be scared of. Right? He coudn't quite convince himself, however. Niall was scared shitless. He was scared of forgetting his text or messing up a note or just -- anything. What if everyone saw how fat and ugly he looked? Because they would surely watch him all. Albeit, one must mention, Niall had lost about 11 pounds in the last months and he was more than proud. Maybe--maybe he wouldn't look that bad up there. But the nervousness was eating away at him. It was even surpressing the thoughts of his weight. Or that Zayn and Harry had been chatting away the last weeks. Yeah, even that. 

"Nervous, huh?" the girl on the guitar ripped him out of his thoughts. Niall gave her an exasperated look. "Hell, yes." She nodded, fidgeting from one feet to another, "Me too." They both gave each other a sympathetic smile. Suddenly, she seemed like she remembered something. She walked over to her bag and pulled out a package of cookies, then turned to him again. "Want one to calm your nerves?" she asked him, smiling brightly. Niall was tempted. He wanted to. God, did he yearn to eat it. But everything in his mind was screaming at him that if he ate that, everyone in the audience would see how fat and disgusting he actually was. 

He shook his head, "No, thanks. Think I'm going to throw up if I eat something now." Which was only partly a lie. He did feel like throwing up. The girl shrugged and put a cookie in her mouth.

Niall turned away. Whatever. The cookies were probably bad luck anyway.

It wasn't long until one of the teachers gave them their cue to step onto the stage. The four of them gave each other a hopeful look and then took the last hard steps.

Niall was standing at the front, with the others behind him. There he was. With no-one he could possibly hide behind. Exposed to 432 people. Eye pairs staring at him and Niall felt like suffocating. He didn't dare looking at one of them, especially not right in the front. He knew it was Harry and Liam, they had told him that they would sit right there. The blond could feel their eyes like burning stares. 

The first soft strokes of the guitar broke his thoughts and Niall decided on a spot at the end of the room, only focusing at it. His lips parted for the first vocals.

He said, "Son, have you seen the world?

Well, what would you say, if I said that you could?"

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