ix. "you're so cute together"

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"Give a little, get a lot; that's just how you are with love."

It was in the middle of the summer holidays when something happened. Niall was laying on his bed, contemplating wether or not to watch Netflix. Even though it was a hot summer day, the blond was wearing a light blue sweater. He didn't understand that his father was sweating. For him, the weather was nearly too cold even. Nevertheless, the sun was shining the whole day. They were lucky this year, summer seemed to be staying for a while.

Just when he was going to turn on his laptop, his phone buzzed next to him. Swiftly, he rolled onto his stomach and took his phone into his hand. 

His heart made a leap. For a few seconds, Niall had to catch his breath as he stared onto the screen. It was Zayn. He messaged him on Facebook. Niall wasn't sure for a few minutes, if all of this was even real. The blond boy had been checking his Instagram and Snapchat constantly, but him actually sending him a message? Niall couldn't believe it. 

→Zayn: Hi.

Okay. Okay. He simply said hi to him. But, still. What did he want? Niall felt delighted. Although he didn't know what to think about him, he had to admit that he missed him the last three weeks. Even if it only had been them crossing each other's paths in the hallway or at the bus station. 

Niall decided to wait a few minutes before replying, he didn't want to seem desperate. He was nervously scrolling through his Instagram feed, waiting for the minutes to pass. When he finally decided that enough time had passed, he quickly typed.

← Niall: Hey. 

He didn't have to wait long for a reply as Zayn instantly texted back. Niall felt his heart swell. 

 →Zayn: How are you doing?

← Niall:  I'm good, what about you?

Nervousness continued bubbling up inside him. He couldn't believe Zayn actually texted him. Him! After months of him texting with Harry, why did he suddenly also text him? Was it because Niall finally got thinner? Because he was close to finally being beautiful like Harry? 

→Zayn: Same. I was just wondering, could you maybe check out my video? 

→Zayn: I thought you would be the perfect person to send it to. 

Next to his message, he sent a link. Niall was giddy and happy. Zayn actually sent him a video of him singing!

→Zayn: Would be cool if you told me what you think of it.

 ← Niall: I'll check it out, hold on!

Quickly, Niall opened the link. He was excited to hear him sing. After all, rumours were going around, saying Zayn loved singing. The link lead him to a Youtube video and he could see from the title that Zayn was singing a cover of With You by Chris Brown. The blond always liked his music, making it all the more appealing. 

In the next second, Zayn's voice could be heard clearly through the video. His voice was effortlessly carrying any note and Niall was taken aback. Wow. Zayn's voice was incredible! All the rumours weren't even giving him enough credit. He was simply amazing. 

Without thinking twice, the blond typed away on his phone.

← Niall: Wow, I never knew you could sing like that! 

 →Zayn: You like it? 

← Niall: Yes! Your voice is amazing! 

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