December 12th

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I love waking up without an alarm clock, when you're off work - long term sick - it becomes a little game. Wake up before the buzzer goes off. I always win. I love summer, going to bed as the sun sets, rising with its rays, it feels like love, Linc has been preparing for his annual "lads tour" Vegas is on the cards this year, he invited me, said it would be romantic, yeah me and four of his pals. Perfect, not quite.

His proposed trip has got me thinking about the most romantic gesture I could do for someone, I've decided on infidelity, what greater gesture says romance better than giving up everything you hold dear while betraying their trust? I know it won't be seen that way to most, and of course not Linc, but if I actually go out and meet someone, have a few drinks and we kiss, then surely I'm displaying pure romantic vibes and true sweetness.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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