Chapter Eight

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It was hard getting to sleep when my mind was racing, but once I finally drifted off I slept like a rock. I woke up later that morning not feeling quite rested, but better than before. I checked the clock and saw it was seven o'clock. Charlie was rushing around the kitchen muttering curse words underneath her breath.

"Good morning" I said cautiously.

"Good morning." Charlie replied distractedly, with out turning her head. "Ugh, I can't believe I slept in. I'll see you in a few hours okay?" Charlie said fretfully. She stuffed a granola bar in her mouth and grabbed a bag before hurrying out the front door.

"Goodbye!" I yelled before she shut the door. Charlie opened the door and peaked back in the unit.

"Bye." She got out with the granola bar between her teeth. She smiled around the granola bar before closing the door again.

I got up and stretched lazily. I jumped off the sofa and walked to the kitchen. I really needed to go to the toilet, but I didn't want to use the litter box. Even if I was alone it was beyond humiliating. I walked to the bathroom.

It was going to be hard, but not impossible. The toilet sat there, taunting me as I figured out how I was going to do this. If I tried to simply jump up it was almost a guarantee that I would land face first in the toilet.

The toilet was next to a counter and beside that was a shower and bath. I decided to try to get on the counter top to see if I could approach it from that angle. I walked backwards and made a running start.

I jumped with all of my might, hoping I didn't smack into the side of the counter twice my height. I flew over the counter, much to my surprise, to instead smacked into the mirror face first.

Ugh, that hurt. I had closed my eyes with the impact but when I opened them I saw I had left an imprint of my muzzle on the mirror. My nose throbbed in time to my heart beat. I checked myself in the mirror and thankfully my nose wasn't bleeding.

I went to the edge of the counter and looked down. The toilet starred at me in challenge. I would now be able to, with a bit of difficulty, step down from the counter and onto the toilet seat. The main problem would be not loosing my balance. I don't want Charlie coming home in a couple of hours time to find I had been stuck in the toilet and I needed to be rescued because of my pride.

I very slowly and carefully stepped down onto the toilet seat. I had a couple of close calls, but I was able to carefully maneuver myself and was able to do my business.

When I finished, I realized I had another problem. I had to turn around and flush. I decided to veto that idea and jumped off the toilet. I managed to jump back up on top of the counter, this time without smacking myself in the face, and simply climbed on top of the cistern to press the button.

I climbed back down onto the counter before jumping off onto the tile floor. I felt like I had proved something to myself. Even if I was stuck in this form, I wasn't helpless. I could still do things. That fact gave me some piece of mind as I walked into the kitchen.

I was hungry but neither food nor water were any where to be seen on the floor. I decided to test my new found ability and jumped up on the island bench in the middle of the kitchen.

On the bench was a large fruit bowl half filled with apples, pears and two avocados. On the other end of the counter were two bowls with food and water. Both bowls had little cartoon paw prints on them.

I went up to the water first before taking a drink. I felt a bit better after having some water before I turned towards the food. It looked as appetizing as the raw chicken Eleanor had served me. It was a small pink square patty with some sort of sauce in a hole in the middle. It looked like the fancy cat food we had bought our cat we had when I was a kid. We would buy him fancy food for special occasions like his birthday.

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