Chapter Thirteen

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Not two minutes later a familiar silver car pulled into the car park behind us and Charlie got up, taking me with her as she walked over and got in the passenger seat.

"Hey Ben, how did you get here so fast?" Charlie asked.

"I was just about to leave and grab some groceries when Lee texted me." Ben explained. He pointed at Eleanor's car. "Is that hers?" he asked. Charlie nodded. We sat and waited. Just five minutes later Eleanor stood up and walked to her car. She got in and Ben started his car. Eleanor drove out of the car park before Ben followed her.

Ben followed her a couple of blocks. We were heading into the suburbs, where I knew her house was. I started to vaguely recognize some houses from the glimpses I had caught from that infernal cat carrier. Suddenly Eleanor changed lanes and turned a sharp corner. Ben struggled to follow Eleanor's sudden change of direction. I didn't recognize this part of the city. Eleanor made another fast turn at the next set of lights.

"Damn, she must have realized we were following her." Ben muttered. He fell back a little, letting some cars get between his and Eleanor's car. I realized that we were heading back into the heart of the city. I knew that her house was in the more suburban belt that surrounded the city.

"Damn, she's going to lead us on a wild goose chase." I told Ben.

"I worried this might happen." Ben said, turning on his indicator to stop following the red car in the distance.

"Can't you cloak the car like Lauren cloaked us at the hospital?" I asked Ben. Ben just sighed.

"It doesn't work as well on other witches and wizards." He said in frustration. "She would still be able to see us enough to know we were there." He explained. "Now that she know's we're following her I don't know what she might do if we continue." He went on. Ben turned off and went down a smaller street.

Damn it! If we had found her house we might have been able to wait until she left the house and gone in to look for clues on how to reverse this. We all sat in silence as Ben drove. Ben offered us a ride back to Charlie's house and we accepted.

We got back to Charlie's place and waved to Ben as he left. We went inside and sat on the couch. We were both disappointed about it. "Hey, at least we got her licence plate number." Charlie reminded me, trying to brighten the mood. I tried to be positive.

"Yeah. And it was a miracle we ran into her in a city of this size." I said. "You said that Lauren had connections with the police. Could she use their database and look up the licence plate?" I asked.

"Lee sent the licence number to Lauren, but she hasn't gotten back to him yet." Charlie said.

"How DOES Lauren have connections to the police anyways?" I asked curiously.

"Her boyfriend's in the police." Charlie explains.

I asked if her boyfriend was a warlock as well. When she replied no I asked if he knew she was a witch.

"No, by law we have to wait until we're engaged. If they take it badly the warlocks are forced to wipe their memories and break up with them." Charlie explains.

I understood the secrecy. To be honest I wished I had the ability to wipe memories. When I had come out a lot of my friends had accepted me but some had decided to make my life hell because they didn't understand. Thankfully my high school had been so big that I had rarely seen them. If humans wouldn't accept their own race because of their skin colour or their sexuality than it comes as no surprise that the witch trials happened.

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