Chapter 90

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Kylo walked into his apartment and found Rey and Ben sleeping on the couch.

Kylo walked to his family and went on one knee. He grabs a blanket on the side and puts it on them.

Kylo looks at Rey and his kid and just started to think. He wanted to be with Rey, but this was the only way.

Rey started to move which made Kylo get up and walk away but Rey opens her eyes and leans up. "Ben".

Kylo stops walking and turns to look at Rey." Hi Rey" he walks to her and kisses her.

"What happened with Snoke, what did he say," Rey asked.

Kylo looks at Rey who eyes were full of hope but Kylo looks down and grabs Rey hand.

"He said we could be together," Kylo said. Rey smiles " really". Kylo looks at Rey and he gets up and turns his back on the back.

Rey looks at Kylo." But what else did he say".

Kylo faces Rey "he said we both can't have any more children".

Rey looks at Kylo and then looks down at her hand." I decide not to do what he said I leave the team just to be with you, sure we lose the apartment and need to love on a budget but I want to be with you" Kylo said as he goes on one knee in front of Rey.

Rey looks at Kylo." No, you love playing and who knows how long you'll have to wait to be in another team".

Kylo looks at Rey." Don't you want to have kids more" Kylo asked?

"Yeah sure but I don't want you to give up on your career I can't let that happen, so why not say we do t have more children, Kylo I love you," Rey said.

"I love you too," Kylo said. They both kiss. "No more kids," Kylo asked." No more" Rey answered.

Kylo kisses her and hugs her." So you got the day after pill," he asked." Yeah I did I took one and I got there, they're called shots I take them before we have any encounter or after" Rey said.

Kylo looks at his son. Rey looks at Kylo. "You want to feed him," Rey asked." Yes," Kylo said.

Rey grabs her baby and looks at him." He sleeping but it's time for him to eat" Rey said.

She got up and grab a bottle and made him his lunch. Kylo looks at his baby. He kisses him and baby Ben woke up looking at his dad. Kylo smiles and felt water in his eyes. It started to go down his face.

Rey slides down the wall and carried. "Why why".

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