Chapter 52 - The Most Amazing Thing

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            It’s late. The moon is descending, soon to set. But still I sit in the shadows of my daughter’s room, watching her sleep. I would crawl into bed with her, but she looks so peaceful, I don’t want to disturb her. I’ve barely let her out of my sight in the three days we’ve been back together.

            I think she’s probably getting tired of that, but how am I supposed to let her go? She might disappear on me again.

            I wouldn’t survive it a second time, I don’t think.

            Slowly, the door opens, and my eyes narrow. Who--oh.

            He steps inside, walks carefully and quietly. The moonlight slants through the window and skitters across his face as he moves. But I don’t need to see his face to know who it is.

            He leans over Lia, kisses her forehead. I feel something inside me shatter, then meld back together, entirely different than it was before.

            When he leaves, I follow him out. The door clicks shut behind me, and he turns, surprised. I look at him, his face shadowed in the flickering torchlight.

            I know his face so well, I can see it now in my mind’s eye. I know HIM so well. He shifts slightly on his feet.

            “The letter was fake.” He says. I know he says it to fill the silence, but also because it’s important to him. I smile. “I know. Uncle told me.”

            “Oh.” He looks down, and I bite my lip. I want to say something, but I don’t know what to say.

            “Walk with me?” His words surprise me, but I nod. We leave the corridor behind, step out into the humid night. We walk along one of the many shaded walkways, the moonlight tracing our steps for us.

            “I’m sorry, Zuko.”

            I don’t know what makes me speak into the silence, but I stop once I’ve said the words. He stops too, looks back at me.

            “I know.”

            I stare at the ground, wishing it would swallow me. He will never forgive me. I move to go, to step past him--but he grabs my arm. I freeze, staring up at him, a question on my lips that I can’t force out.

            “Katara…” His voice is choked, his eyes in the darkness haunted. “Lia is… she’s… she’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever…”

            “I know.” Because this I understand. It’s why he can’t forgive me. Because he missed some of the most amazing moments in her life, because of me.

            “I want to be mad at you.” He’s frustrated, I can hear it in his voice. His hand is tight around my arm, but I don’t mind. “But I… I see how much you love her. And I… I get it. I know how it feels to be betrayed like that. To lose everything, to not know why.” He looks away, and I remember the story Uncle told me, so long ago. About how he got his scar. I open my mouth, but he continues before I can say anything.

“I think… I would have done the same thing, if I was in your place. It doesn’t make it better… but maybe… maybe it means we can leave it where it belongs. In the past.”

I hold my breath, I almost can’t believe this is happening. It’s a dream, right? “I’d like that.” My words are quiet, but his grip loosens around my arm.

“Katara… I meant what I said, back in Ba Sing Se. I still want my destiny to be with you.”

“You think I don’t want that? There’s nothing else in the world I want, than to stay right here, with you. But I don’t know how…” I shake my head, wishing I could erase all the lies.

“I do.” I blink at him, shocked by his words.

“You do?”

“Yes.” He nods, and I hear surety in his voice. Certainty. Something I lack. “I swear, Katara.” He stops there, leaving me confused.

“You swear what?”

“I swear that I will never lie to you, ever again.”

I draw in a deep breath, see the wisdom of his words. I don’t know if I can live up to this promise. But I know that I will try. “I swear, Zuko.” I nod, my eyes locked on his. “No more lies.”

Slowly, he smiles.

Slowly, his hands cup my face, and I feel my breath catch in my throat. When he kisses me, I kiss him back.


Wellp. They've FINALLY made up. What do you think? Will it work out? ;D

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