Part 4 - Why not?

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James hadn't answered your text from earlier, which made you second guess your choice to sleep at his place. Worried thoughts ran up and down your mind all day. Had you said something wrong? Was he disappointed that nothing more than a kiss had happened? Was he mad because you had left without waking him?

Men. And they say girls are complicated. Jeez.

It was hard to concentrate while checking your phone for new messages every other minute and up until your last class of the day, which you shared with Remus, you were sure something was wrong.

"Hey, Y/N," Remus said as he sat down next to you.

"Oh hi," you replied and smiled. Apparently not convincingly enough, because he raised his eyebrows at you.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. It's nothing."

"Come on, you said I had to tell you stuff about my life, now it's your turn." He nudged your shoulder.

"Fine." You exhaled a breathy laugh. "Well, actually, everything is fine. I um... I went to James' yesterday."

His eyes went wide. "Really? When, how, why?"

"Louise, my roommate, had her boyfriend over and things got a bit out of hand, so I had to leave and, since you were occupied with someone else," you shot him a mischievous grin, "I texted James and he picked me up."

Remus' expression was a mix of surprise and shock. "I... Wow, that was fast."


"I'm joking. Go on."

"Well, he took me to the frat and showed me his room. He has a nice room, you know?"

"I'm well aware."

"He was... Sweet." You looked down to the table and felt your cheeks blushing at the thought.

"Oh no. You had sex and now you regret it because it went too fast and you don't want to see him again, don't you. God, why-"

"Remus!" you whisper shouted and looked over your shoulder to check if anyone was listening. "It's nothing like that. We... kissed. That's all."

"But you wanted more and now you're sad?"

"No! It was nice."

"Then why are you looking like that?" he asked and tilted his head.

"Well, I overslept and had to run to get to my first class in time. I didn't wake him but sent him a text and he hasn't answered."

Remus looked dumbfounded. "That's it?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Oh, thank god."


"I thought something bad happened. Don't worry about him not texting you back, he does that to me and Sirius all the time. I'm sure he's still very much into you."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, he's..." Remus cleared his throat. "I think he's just a little busy today, that's all."

"Fine, you know him better."

Remus chuckled to himself and shook his head lightly. "Acts all shy and then sleeps at James' place. You're tougher than you look."

You scoffed. "And you're more judgemental than I thought."

"I'm joking, Y/N. Sorry." He still couldn't help but laugh quietly.

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