Part 5 - New Friends, Old Enemies

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On Monday after class, when your stomach felt like it was eating itself because you forgot to bring a snack, you noticed a food truck on the side of the street, on your way home. This was new. And probably a sign that you should finally eat something.

You crossed the street and went up to it. The scent of oil and onions should have grossed you out, but who were you kidding? It smelled delicious and had already lured you in.

Your eyes were on the menu the whole way over and you had just finished reading it when the guy in the truck greeted you.

"Hi. What can I- Oh, hi. I think I know you."

You looked over to him. Dirty blond hair, chubby schoolboy cheeks and a welcoming smile. Peter. Peter Pettigrand, wasn't it? He was the last person you had expected to see there, so you cleared your throat.
"Hey. Peter, right?"

"Right! And you're Y/N from the frat."

"Not really from the frat, but yeah."

He chuckled and wiped his hands on a kitchen towel. "You're lucky today."

"Why is that?"

"You're my last customer, I was just about to change my shift." He bent down over the counter and motioned for you to come closer, so you could hear him better when he whispered. "And, between you and me, the guy that takes the next shift is a shit cook."

You laughed quietly and shook your head. "I am lucky then."

"What can I get you?"

"Um... How about the classic burrito?"

"Excellent choice! Extra cheese?"


"It'll be there in a minute. You can take a seat, I'll bring it to you."

You did as he said and sat down at one of the garden plastic tables that were placed in front of the truck and scrolled mindlessly through your phone.
Who was this guy anyway?

He hadn't been to the frat before, but well, you haven't been there often either. You were pretty sure he wasn't a member because he seemed so lost last Saturday morning. Maybe he had friends there. Or he was just a really bad burglar.

"Mind if I sit with you?" Peter asked when he arrived with two steaming hot plates in his hands.

You put your phone to the side and said: "No, have a seat please."

"One classic with extra cheese. Here you go."

"Thank you."

You took a bite and it was, unexpectedly, extraordinarily good. Not only because you were starving - it was actually delicious.

"Wow, Peter! That's the best thing I had on campus I think," you said and took another bite.

"Told you it's your lucky day," he chuckled and started to eat as well.

You wiped your mouth with a napkin in between bites. "You know what's funny? I've never seen you before last Saturday and now it seems I stumble over you everywhere I go."

Peter grinned and swallowed before he answered. "Well, that's probably because I've never been on campus before last week. I just started working here."

"So you don't go to college here?"


"Why here then?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you start working on campus? I have a feeling you could be a great chef in a restaurant or something."

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