Harry Potter (Book Series/Movie Series)

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So I'm not sure if I can truly consider myself a fan of this series because I didn't actually like the series...

But I'm a big fan of a specific ship, so I'm technically still in the fandom.

Blurb in my words:

In a world haunted by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, Harry has no idea he's a wizard until a letter comes in the mail on his 11th birthday. Turns out he is a wizard, and now he has to go to a wizard school!

Author: J. K. Rowling

Other good books by this author: I've never read anything by them except this series

Funny quotes:

"'Is it true that you shouted at Professor Umbridge?' 'Yes.' 'You called her a liar?' 'Well, yes-' 'Have a biscuit, Potter.' 'Have- What?'"

"'...we've got one thing that Voldemort doesn't have.' 'Yeah?' 'Noses.'"

"We could all have been killed. Or worse- expelled!"

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