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Okay. I got the plan. Since they left me in a dark room, I sit here and dance. Then I do the sign. Captain will get it some day. And now, since I'm done dancing, fuck, to time to get to the signal. I grabbed the pan and spoon —that they were so generous to give me—and I bang them together. "CAPTAIN!"I shout, banging the pan. "SHUT UP HE'S NOT COMING!"I heard someone shout. "Let me out then."I growl. "Hm. Gladly."I heard a cheer voice say. All of a sudden, a light that I never knew the room had, turned on. There he was. The blonde kid stood at the door way. "Captain. What took you so long?"I ask nonchalantly, hints of envy lacing my voice.


"Sir Meliodas?"

"Who the hell is that Captain?"

"No one."

"Voile révélé(Veil revealed) ."
(I have the ability to find out anything about anyone without their consent)

"W-what?"the girl stammered.

"Elizabeth. The third princess of Liones. Greetings."

"Tell her what you said."Captain demanded.

"Why should I?"


"I don't trust her."


"Why is she here?"


"What is it?!"

"Your thinking out loud. Go ahead."

He knew what this meant. This meant I was probably gonna get drunk until I fall asleep and I won't wake up till the next night to drink again. This meant that since I don't really hold my ale well, I'll be bowing to the toilet like it was my master. It meant that I'd have nightmares. Nightmares of a dead man who wears a red two piece that looked kinda hot. Fuck my life.

"Got it Captain."I lazily smirked, and ran out.

*time skip*
{Meliodas's pov}
Y/n had her 13th mug in her hand. She stared at me while I was groping Elizabeth"Captain your such a damn pervert. Descendre d'elle(Get off of her)."she growled. When I did, she took a deep breath. "No. No. Don't scold."I say. She was about to scold me in French. "Translate to her."

"What she don't know; won't hurt her."Y/n growls. "Tell her."I say. Y/n ran to the bathroom. When she came back she turned to Elizabeth. "I told him to fuck off."she smirks. "She did not."I say. "I did."she says. "Y/n tell the truth."

"But, that means I'm soft."

"You are soft."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Says who?"

"Says me."

"That didn't rhyme."she pouted.

"Who said it had to rhyme?"

"Elle l'a fait(She did)."she smirks, pointing at Elizabeth. "She didn't say anything."

"Did I say she did?"

"You did."

"I didn't."

"Must've been a ghost then."

"That goes with 'Real men don't râpé(rape)."she grinned.

(Let's pretend that Meliodas is the only one that knows French besides you)

"Hey Captain stop starting problems."she growled. "Your starting problems you tamia bipolaire(bipolar chipmunk)!"I spat playfully. "I look nothing like a chipmunk you fool. And I'm not bipolar."she pouted once again.

{Your pov}
"Guys, I may not understand what your saying, but the tones of your voices indicate that your arguing. Please stop."Elizabeth says quietly. "C'est une imbécile. Elle a l'air de Gowther. (She's a fool. She sounds like Gowther)."I say with a smirk. "Y/n! That's rude. Don't say that."Meliodas says.

"You sound like King when he's being overprotective about Diane."I smirk. "So Princess,uhmmm... would you like to learn what I said?"I ask. "Yes please Lady Y/n."She nods. "Okay. I said that you were a fool, and that you sound like Gowther."I say with a laugh. Elizabeth's smile fell to an uninterested small smile. "It's okay. I know you are upset. Let it out."I sigh. "But that would be highly rude Lady Y/n."she says. "Hmmm I'm Y/n. There's no need to be all formal."I say. Elizabeth smiled. "Anyway, I'm tired. I'm going to sleep."I say. "Stay down here."Meliodas says. "Okay, only if you want me to tomber dans les pommes(fall in apples/lose consciousness)."I shrug. I sat down and sighed. I grabbed another mug of ale and tried to drink. I ran to the bathroom to throw up. "I can't stay up any longer."I say. "Well, stay with me till you fall asleep."Captain smiles. "Non merci(no thanks)."

{Meliodas' pov}
You only knew that Y/n wasn't okay when she declined in French. "Y/n, your staying with me."I say. "Capitaine, non merci(Captain,no thanks)."she declines. "Y/n-"

"Captain. I said no. I'll be fine."

"Tu sais que tu vas pas bien.(You know you're not good.)"

"Captain. I know that I know. I just...really need to think things over ya know? Besides, you can reprocher à Elizabeth pendant qu'elle dort for all I care(grope Elizabeth while she's sleeping)."I shrug. "Really?"his eyes widened.

"I'm still going to do it."
"You'll wake up with a couple bruises dude."

"I'll tie him up!"

"Captain? When did your voice get so high?"

"It's not."

"Who is that the-"


"Fuck."I ran upstairs, peeking my head from behind the wall. "Who- or my I ask,what are you?"

"I'm a pig!"

"Oh. King! I knew they finally turned you into an actual pig you fatass."I laugh. "Y/n, that's not King, he literally just said his name was Hawk."

"That's not his name."

"That is his name."

"I'm pretty sure he's King."

"That's not King."Captain sighs. "Tue-moi (kill  me)."I muttered. "Gladly."Meliodas smiles. "No. No. No. I didn't mean it Captain."I turned to Elizabeth. "Aller dormir princesse(Go to sleep princess)."I say which makes her instantly yawn and walk upstairs to her room, which was shared by Meliodas. "Now Captain, The man in red clothes. You know him. Who is he?"

Snatched (Ban X SAD! YANDERE! Reader) Lemon🍋((ON HOLD))Where stories live. Discover now