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"Y/n, what just happened?"

"Oh heyyy Ban;What brings you here?"

"Dont play dumb you just fell on the floor. Why?"

"Nosy aren't we? Okay , two can play at that game."Jefferson's voice boomed from the phone. "Ask Lafayette to translate real quick."I say quickly.

"Lafayette isn't here. He's at home. He has his own things to do."


I turn back to Ban.

"Whos on the phone Y/n?"

"THOMAS JEFFERSON! WHO ARE YOU I MAY ASK?"Jefferson's voice boomed.

"Dammit Jeffershit."

"Ban, the fox sin, the sin of greed."


Captain's head popped in the doorway. "Ban, I got more ale!"

Ban ran after Captain as they walked downstairs. "Jefferson?"

"I'm still here Y/n."

For some reason, we talked all night. When I woke up, I heard snoring. "WHAT THE HELL!"I shouted as I scrambled out of the bed only to find no one else there. I heard a distant yell. "Wait.....Jefferson? Where are you?!"

"It appears that we were on the phone all night."

"That explains the snoring."

"I certainly do not snore."

"You do so."

"I do not!"

"Sure you don't....anyway—"


"Yes Jeffershit?"

"Who was that young lad? The one from yesterday?"

I heard Burr's voice in the background. "What young man?"

"His name is Ban. Burr if you want to talk to me just talk."

"Hey there Y/n. Im afraid I won't be able to stay long, we still had planning to do."Aaron says. "I miss you much."

"That's what all of you said."I roll my eyes. "I'll be back soon."

"Alexander says that you didn't tell Lafayette. He's gonna pissed."


"Are we?" I heard Jefferson ask Burr. "I don't know. We have to get to business. Alexander, Lafayette, and John will arrive shortly."

"Alright Y/n, I have to go. Bye bye."


*time skip*
After my shower, I got dressed and walked downstairs. "Hey Y/n."Ban said. "Yo,Y/n!"called Captain. Elizabeth waved. "Hi everyone."I laughed. Ban smirked.


"As the clouds."I grin.

"I think you should lay off the drugs."

"I think you should lay off the ale."

"Never!"We say, turning our backs to each other.

"You have no clue what I go through!"I growl.

"I could say the same."Ban growled.

"Awww, stop arguing and make out already!"Diane whined. I raised an eyebrow and turned to Diane. "Who said we were ever gonna  kiss?"

Diane and Elizabeth giggled. "ITS NOT FUNNY!"I yell.

Snatched (Ban X SAD! YANDERE! Reader) Lemon🍋((ON HOLD))Where stories live. Discover now