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"WHAT THE HE—"she stopped. "Alex?"

Who are you?"I ask. "You big shit head, it's me,Y/n."Y/n says. "I'm sorry Y/n, it's been a while."I say, rubbing my neck nervously. "You cheated on Eliza didn't you,"she accuses as I nod. "YOU IDIOT! WHO DID YOU FUCK?"she yells. "Y/n keep it down, Eliza's—"

"Who did you fuck?"

I turned around to see my wife. "Oh Sugar Honey Iced Tea."Y/n says, turning around.

{Your pov}
Eliza was standing at the door. "Your husband fucked a whore. And wrote a pamphlet about it." I say, realizing what happened. "Damnnnn."


"Maria fucking Whore-ass Reynolds. And she's married. And her husband knows. Dammmmmnnnnn."I say.

"Not helping Y/n."Alexander whispers. "Who are you anyway?"Eliza asks, cutting the light on and walked toward me. "My name is Y/n! A very close friend Of Alexander! Now cut the bloody light off!"I shout. "Shhh!"Alexander whispers. "Alexander, is this true?"Eliza asks sternly as Alexander nodded solemnly. "How dare you?!"Eliza cried. I shook my head as Alexander argued. "I'm sorry! She lured me in!"

"I'd never thought you'd say that Alex."I say. He turned to me. "Y/n, I love this woman more than I love you."

"But you love your mommy more."I smile as Alexander nods quickly before turning to Eliza. "Your forgiven."Eliza swallowed. "But if you cheat again, we will end this relationship."she says before kissing him and whispering a goodnight' and leaving.

{Alexander's pov}
"I used to love someone like that. He's probably getting sober right now."Y/n sighs. Y/n never told me about a love interest in all of the years we've known each other. "Who is this man?"I ask. "His name is Ban."She says, smiling like she recalled a memory. "But he cheated. Twice. Not forgiven. Ever. Not until someone's bayonet stabs me, or I get shot and die fatally."she growls. "I'm happy for you and Eliza.
And Pip."she smiles.

"Y/n? Could you tell me more about this 'Ban' guy?"

Y/n nodded.

"He has mint blue
hair, scarlet red eyes, a tattoo on the left side of his waist. He constantly gets drunk, and even if we are broken up, he's the best asshole I've ever had for a bestfriend."she grins. "He sounds more like a companion. Ya know, lover. Just by the way you described him."I say. "Just by my simple description? He's hot—-I mean—"

"Nope. You already said it. Y/n has a crush on Ban."I say.

I heard a knock on the door, interrupting our conversation.

{Your pov}
Alex went to go answer the door, for all I know, it could have been a red coat, I peeked from the door and saw Alexander talking to someone I've never seen in a long time ever since he went 'spy mode' as I call it. "I came as soon as I heard that—"he peeked over Alex's shoulder. "Is that—"he pushed past Alex and walked into the house. "Come on put Y/n."Alex sighs, closing the door and locking it.  I ran into Hercules' arms as he wrapped his arms around me tightly. "I missed you so much darling."

"I missed you too Father."

"Is there something I'm not getting here?"Alex asked. "When I adopted her. Remember?" he started to sing as Alex beat boxed. "Baby, at my door, I swept her off the floor, she giggled I'm delight. I let her stay the night. No one came to retrieve her so I was in fright. She stayed for a while, Dial after dial, no one lost this child. I kept her in my home, fed her,clothed her and took her as my own. I became a spy, leaving this near-mature child behind. You took care of her until she moved out, she grew fast without a doubt."he looked at me. "Day after day, I checked for the news when my daughter would come home and rest in the arms of her own father."he finished off as Alex's beat boxing descended. "So you never knew my real parents?"I ask, looking up to him as if I were still a child. "No my dear, my at all. But I did receive a note from a so called brother of yours."he handed me a letter. I opened it, and there was a button. I pushed the  button and Jefferson's voice rang out. "I HOPE KING GEORGE RAISES THE PRICE OF TEA AND THAT YOU ALL DIE IN THE UPCOMING WAR!"

I only stared at it in surprise. "I'm sorry Y/n I didn't know that it would do that."my dad apologizes. "It's okay. I'll show that son of a bitch what happens when the message gets sent to the wrong person."I say. Alexander shrank back in fear, not knowing what I was going to do, but witnessed my wrath many times before.

Snatched (Ban X SAD! YANDERE! Reader) Lemon🍋((ON HOLD))Where stories live. Discover now