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"Light blue hair?"Captain asks. "Yep."

"Red two piece?"


"Answer the question."


"That's Ban."Captain says. "Ban, the fox sin, the sin of greed?"I ask. Captain nods. "Ban died Captain."I say. "How can Ban die if he's immortal,Y/n?!"he exclaims. "I don't know! But when I saw the dream, Ban. Was. Dead."I sigh. "Another question."


"Did he have a red fox on the left side of his waist?"

"Yes Captain,"I say.

"There's no doubt that's Ban."

*Next Morning*
{Meliodas' pov}
"Captain, you said we're going to take Ban out if that shitty prison today right?"Y/n asked as she leaned over the table to face me. "Yep!"I exclaimed. "Captain can we go now?"Y/n groaned. "Five more minutes Y/n."I say. "Oh? Ya mean, five more minutes to...ya know, fall back asleep? Huh, Captain?"Y/n started to climb on the table. "No, no, no. Y/n, get up."I groan. "Why?"Y/n groaned. Elizabeth quietly giggled. "Lady Y/n, Sir Meliodas really need you to get up so we can go find Sir Ban."

"I could care less about the baka."

"Oh really? Ce n'est pas ce que tu as dit hier soir.(That's not what you said last night.)"

Y/n gasped, then punched my arm. "Shut up Captain."

Y/n got off of the table and fell as the tavern shook while Hawk's Mom was walking. Y/n scampered to her feet and ran out side.

{Your pov}
I walked out side and sat on the steps. "Good morning Momma Hawk, hows it been? Haven't seen you for a while."I giggle as she snorted in return. She said that she's been good, but but the tavern...not so much. "That's true. That's true."I nodded. Captain walked outside as Momma Hawk buries herself into the ground. "Enjoy your rest Momma Hawk!"I say when I went down the ladder hanging from the green pig's side. I jumped off and ran down the hill, Captain, Diane,and Elizabeth calling my name. "Pressed to see your boyfriend huh, Y/n?"Captain called to me as he eventually caught up to me, Elizabeth following. "He isn't my boyfriend Captain. He's my forgotten comrade."I say. "Hmmmm. Ummm are you sure about that?"Captain jokes. "I'm extremely sure
Captain—BASTE!"I ran straight to the guards. Diane, Captain,Elizabeth, and Hawk followed.

{Meliodas' pov}
Y/n ran straight to the guards and laughed. She took a long pause. "Let me in."she sighed. The guards moved immediately and bowed. We all walked in and Y/n let out a long whistle. "Oh big, annoying, grumpy, asshole, idiot!"she called out, lazily waking around the prison, step by step. Then there were sounds of metal hitting the floor. "Hey retard—Hey there Captain."

"Hey Ban."

Diane, Elizabeth, and Hawk were talking but Y/n was sitting in the corner watching with a tired face.

*short time skip*

{Your pov}
In a few minutes the prison crumbled. "YOU IDIOTS BROKE THE DAMN PRISON!"I yelled. They said something but I couldn't hear them. Ban had said something extra. When we reconnected with earth, I grabbed him by the ear.

"What on earth did you say?!"I growled.

Snatched (Ban X SAD! YANDERE! Reader) Lemon🍋((ON HOLD))Where stories live. Discover now