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The next morning I walked straight to the King's estate, knowing the Jefferson was there. The guards stepped aside in fright. I'm guessing they've finally heard of me. I smirk as I knock on the door. Jefferson opened the door. "Jefferson...."his eyes widened. "What a nice surprise."

He stepped back as I stepped forward with each word , moving farther and farther into the room."Dirty coward! I thought you were better than that! It seems that your still pathetic asshole, a heartless bitch. I've got someone you'd get along with great. I want to strangle you. I'd love to hear the King say he's raising the prices of tea. But while I'm here..."Jefferson's back hit a wall. "He's never going to do it."

"Now SCRAM!"I yell as he scampered off in sheer terror. I heard a voice from outside. "Hear ye, Hear ye! My name is Samuel Seabury, and I present "Free thoughts on the proceedings of the continental congress!"

I quickly ran outside and saw Burr,Alex, and my dad. "Heed not the rabble who screams revolution! They have not your interest at heart!"

"Oh my god tear this dude apart!"my dad mutters.

"Chaos and bloodshed are not the solution. Don't let them lead you astray. This congress does not speak for me."

"Oh really?"I raise an eyebrow. "Let him be."Burr says, placing a hand on my arm.

"There playing a dangerous game. I pray the King shows you his mercy,"

"Even I know that the King doesn't have mercy."I growl.

"For shame, for shame!"

"It's a shame that I have to hear your pitiful speech."I growl. Seabury must have heard me, because he stepped down from his crate. He peered at me. "You seem extremely familiar!"

"My name is Y/n. Who do I remind you of Sir?"

"Y/n......Y/n...."he paced in front of me. "Aha! Your my daughter."he says.



"Are you sure you aren't ya know.....another thing that's starts with a D? Deranged,maybe?"I ask as my dad wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "I found her on my doorstep. This child's mine. There's no possible way for a fool like you to have dropped her at my door."he says.

I felt another arm around my shoulder. "Who found you at who's doorstep?"I heard a voice ask. A voice I know very well. It was Ban.

"Hey there Ban."I mutter as Alex stepped forward. "Ban? I've heard lots about you, Sir. It's to meet you."he says. "Hey....Who are you? And who are they?"he asks. Alright! Alright!-"


Captain was driving a carriage heading straight for us at full speed. He stopped it quickly as I gave him a strong glare. "Tel dans beaucoup de problèmes.(Your in a lot of trouble)."

I heard Lafayette laugh as he walked up to us. "You just got told!"he pointed at Meliodas. "I see the whole gang is here."I mutter. "I see you have explaining to do Y/n."Burr says as I nod. "Alright. Men of New York. This is my brother, Meliodas. Ban, who is beside me, Diane, sitting beside Meliodas, King,sitting beside Diane, Merlin and Escanor sitting in the back with the princess, Elizabeth."I turned to the the carriage, pointing at everybody. "Hello everyone!"the boys say as the sins and the princess wave and say hello. "Alright. Sins and the princess. This is Aaron Burr, Marquis de Lafayette, and Alexander Hamilton."I say.

"Aren't you missing someone,"my dad asks. John ran up to us. "Two, actually."

"John Laurens,"I giggle as he waves, "and my dad Hercules Mulligan."




"It's a pleasure." -Burr

"Nice too meet you all."-Hercules

Ban stared at Hercules. "Earth to Ban? Welcome to New York?"I say, waving a hand in his face. "Ale."I smile which makes him look at me. "Where?"

"No where you big greedy bastard."I growl.

Snatched (Ban X SAD! YANDERE! Reader) Lemon🍋((ON HOLD))Where stories live. Discover now