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I rested in my stall, peacefully and dreamily untill my two legged came, opening the door loudly and clapping her hands. I picked my legs together, getting up and snorting.

''We have things to do, Red, come on'' My rider said, her voice stern as she grabbed the brush with her left hand and set one on my back. The best she could do was groom me.

I relaxed and leaned into her, only to get pushed back to the cold wall. I wouldn't call her cruel, maybe it was a way two leggeds worked with us four leggeds. There comes my dream. Competing and the applouding crowd as I finish those jumps. But I'm the only one who didn't throw that in the nearest water well. My two legged finished grooming my coat, she grabbed a comb, reaching for my mane and roughly detangling it.

She moved away, reaching for a heavy stock saddle and throwing it on my back after the blanket, she clipped the cinches, I could feel them pinching my skin together, thats what happened when she was in a hurry. I resisted to urge to kick her because I loved my two legged, but the times when it seemed she didn't love me arrived ofte. I didn't care, I still loved my two legged.

She pushed a bit suddenly in my mouth, nearly calling the blood. I pranced my head, her palm coliding with my neck as a correction. I calmed down as I let her finish the bridle clips. She hurried to the saddle, setting her leg in the stirrup and hoisting herself up. She jabbed the sharp spur in my side, I whined, tarrying out of the stable. Why did she forget to praise me? Maybe she has toothache, I hope she is fine. I trotted out of the barn, twitching my mouth to adjust to the cold bit. Earlier, she would stuff it in her pocket till it got warm and cozy, what changed now? Whatever, she probably doesn't have a pocket.

I turned my head so I could see, she had pockets, but I only got a rough yank on the rein to get my head in the place. I am sorry I am stubborn, oops, but I wanted to see your pockets.

''Red, you are too slow'' She pointed out, anger hinting her deep voice. I lowered my head, picking up a canter and avoiding gallop, I didn't like it.

My two legged was in a hurry, that caused her actions. Other, she was very loveable to me. She always left me in a stable after riding, imidietely after riding, fed me late at night, isn't that nice?

I saw my four legged friend, Goldfawn, he was a beautiful palomino stock horse.

''Hey, buddy. How is your two legged treating you?'' He trotted asides me, his rider having words with my two legged.

''I think she has toothache, she forgot to praise me, but she just is in a hurry''.

Goldfawn gave me a face that told me I was naive but I shook it away, I happily pranced my head. It was a wonderful day. After the boring and cold winter, finally the spring bought some heat to the bones. Another rough yank on the reins had my mouth call a little blood, I twitched my tongue, pushing the bit.

''What the matter, Red?!'' The two legged shouted, I pinned back my ears, going in a small circle.

''Stubborn today, is he not?'' Goldfawn's two legged confessed with a chuckle, I ignored the remark and lowered my head.

My two legged rider said something but she jabbed the sharp metal in my sides once again, I grunted as if someone was pulling me away from my food, I had no other choice but listen to my dear two legged.

She loved me. I had to make sure she did.

Goldfawn saluted me and trotted away, leaving me on my own with my two legged, I loved when that happened, my human was amazing.

I started cantering ahead, not caring what was in the scenery. Suddenly, my human yanked the reins and turned me to a road.

Stupid Red.

Stupid Red.

Stupid Red.

Stupid Red.

I lowered my head in submission, letting the two legged boss over me as a good leader she was. We slowly approached the small town, we kept at the outskirts to be aware of the vehicles that could hurt us.

My beautiful two legged pulled me to a halt, she dismounted and I watched her red hair fly in the air as she walked with high steps. She had beatiful blue misty eyes, red shoulder lenght hair and light skin, she was very slim and she reminded me of myself. She entered a house and closed the door, leaving me untied and alone. If I was a human I would shrug. I looked at a small board, approaching and unintentionally grabbing attention of the passangers as my hooves loudly clicked over the sidewalk.

On the board was a picture of a horse jumping an oxer, beautiful, I thought. I would stay here till my human came and then she would finally understand what I want. I ripped out the paper and held it in my mouth, patiently waiting for my human.

The door of the house soon clicked open, she clapped her hands until she saw me, with a deep frown she ran to me, she looked like she was threatening me, like a predator but it was just my two legged that adored me.

''We have no time for this, Red. You are such a bad horse!".

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